Year 9 Market Day

A School of Innovation initiative 

We are incredibly pleased to announce the Year 9 Market Day held at the College on June 6 was a huge success! This was the fourth year the market has been held and it continues to get bigger and better. This year’s market resulted in a whopping $4850 in sales! The profits from the sales will go towards something that the entire College will benefit from. We can’t wait to see what the Year 9 students decide on. In addition, $288 was raised from student donations for being out of uniform and this will go toward a to-be-confirmed charity.


The annual event is a huge one on the St Anne’s College calendar and the Year 8 students were already getting inspired for next year’s event, sharing their ideas for their own market stalls in 12 months.


Congratulations to the Year 9 students and all other staff and students who put in a huge effort to make this event happen. Thank you to our College community for sharing this special moment with us and visiting the Market during the open session.

Our Learning Support Officers braved the cold for one of the most popular activities at the market! A huge well done to the LSOs who put their hands up to be involved. When asked, the LSOs said they put themselves on the line simply to make the Market Day a success. 

See LSO Aidan getting drenched for by Year 9 student Maddi above!

Extra, extra, read all about it!

St Anne's scored the front page and a full page spread when Shepp News came to visit!

A huge thank you to the Shepp News for capturing some of the highlights and memories from the day. 


You can read all about it here and below. Stay tuned for a series of Vox Pops with the students that will appear in the paper next week. 


The Year 9 Market Day was definitely not short of tasty treats for all to enjoy. A variety of yummy foods were on offer. The food stalls included delicious BBQ, tornado potato sticks, onigiri, Milo, rum balls, cookies, chocolate-coated strawberry and marshmellow sticks and so much more. Students from all year levels had the chance to purchase delicious treats from the market throughout the day in various sessions. 

Share in the joy

The day was filled with absolute joy as the students, staff and school community enjoyed all that it had to offer. From taking part in fun games to enjoying time with fellow students, there was something for all to take some joy from.

Watch the fun!

Enjoy this video which showcases some of the incredible laughter and enjoyment of the Market Day...