From the Principal

Benvenuto - Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have again seen the very best of our learning assets in action with a group of Year 5 students participating in the Lion’s Club Public Speaking Awards today. All of the Year 5 students have been working on writing and delivering speeches about people who have inspired them. A big congratulations to the following students who presented their speeches to a judging panel from the Lion’s Club and an audience of their peers, staff and parents:

  • Henry Campanelli
  • Heli Chauhan
  • Zander Corrigan
  • Jemma Daldy
  • Avaya De Stefanis
  • Karamveer Gill
  • Matilda Kirby
  • Bella Lahm
  • Navi Mandahar
  • Charlotte Merkel
  • Eleina Mori
  • Bharpur Singh
  • Ekamjot Singh
  • Gianluca Steri
  • Lara Stevens
  • Millie Studd
  • Lucy Taylor

Extra congratulations to Charlotte Merkel who was named the winner with a speech about how her mum has inspired her and Jemma Daldy who was the runner up with a speech about the inspiration provided by her piano teacher, Shannon. Charlotte and Jemma will now go to the next level of competition. 


This week has seen our senior students undertaking Unit 1 and Year 10 studies sit their mid-year exams. This is an important time in the year for these students to test where they are at with their learning and celebrate their success. The exam week will culminate in the administration of the GAT (General Achievement Test) for students undertaking a Unit 3 and 4 subject and VCE-VM students which we will host onsite on June 18. The GAT is a test of general knowledge and skills that is taken by students completing their senior secondary studies. The GAT plays an important role in the quality assurance of the VCE assessments and provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate they meet the Victorian Literacy and Numeracy standards expected at a senior secondary level.


Staff have been busily preparing for the end of first semester with report writing. The student free day last Friday provided the opportunity for us to be able to work on completion of reports, marking, assessment and moderation. The end of the semester provides some great opportunities to reflect on the learning in the first half of the year, check for understanding and celebrate growth and success in learning. Our next student free day is on Tuesday 18 June. This day will be a day of professional learning for staff around learning and teaching but will also allow us to host the GAT onsite for our senior students.


The recruitment process for the new Principal of St Anne’s College has concluded and you will have seen the communication from CES Ltd that the successful candidate was Anthony Butts. Anthony has been Principal of St Mary’s PS Mooroopna for the past 16 years. Anthony is able to begin his new role at the beginning of Term 4. During Term 3 there will be opportunities for Anthony to spend some time at the college getting to know us a little more before his start date. I would like to wish Anthony all the very best in taking on this very privileged position. St Anne’s College is an incredible, welcoming community and I am sure Anthony will be a wonderful contributor to the next stage of our growing college.


Congratulations to the Year 9 students for hosting an incredibly successful Market Day last week. It is a fantastic practical celebration of their work and we know there has been some really good reflections on the day. This event is a great way of encouraging our future entrepreneurs. 


As the weather turns colder, what a great opportunity to stay inside in the cosy warm and spend some quality time together with our families. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and find lots of JOY!


Susan Carroll
