R.E. & Social Justice News

By Fulvia Gerosolimo



By Fulvia Gerosolimo

To all our families,


Last week, we came together to celebrate Reconciliation Week, focusing on healing and unity within our community. This week, we continue our journey of reflection and growth as we celebrate the Feast of St. Kevin, our patron saint. St. Kevin is revered for his profound spirituality, deep connection with nature, and commitment to a life of prayer and simplicity. His example challenges both children and adults to lead lives marked by humility, compassion, and a deep appreciation for the world around us.


As we honor St. Kevin, we are called to follow in his footsteps, embracing his virtues in our daily lives. How can we, as a community, live with the same simplicity and reverence for nature that St. Kevin demonstrated? How can we cultivate a deeper sense of spirituality and commitment to prayer in our own lives? Let us wonder together about these questions as we strive to embody the spirit of St. Kevin in our actions and hearts.


Every blessing for the week ahead,


Fulvia Gerosolimo



St Kevin’s Feast Day

This Wednesday we invite all parents and carers to join us to help celebrate the feast day of our school patron - Saint Kevin. 

Mass will be celebrated at 10am. 

​​Please join us to share in this joyous event with our community. We look forward to seeing you there!



Here are some interesting facts about St Kevin:

  • The name Kevin means ‘gentle one.’
  • Kevin did not get along with people, however loved animals.
  • Kevin was not a very nice person as a child so his parents sent him to a monastery for 40 days.
  • There he prayed.
  • Whilst at the monastery he learnt to become patient, caring, kind, thoughtful and loving.
  • Kevin died at 120 years of age.
  • A celtic cross is at his gravesite in Glendalough in Ireland.




Feast of the Sacred Heart    

The feast of the Sacred Heart is fast upon us.  This year we are asking all families to kindly donate non-perishable food items for 

St Vincent de Paul (SVDP).  SVDP is a lay Catholic organisation that aspires to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society.

The organisation is in desperate need of the following items for those less fortunate than ourselves:

  • Long life milk  
  • Any food item with a ring pull such as tuna, baked beans.

It would be a generous gesture if you were able to donate one or more of these requested items to those living with less, robbed of the ability to make choices for themselves – the choice for safe and clean water, the choice of an education, the choice of protection from abuse, the choice of medical care and more.


So, LET’S CARE and BE THE DIFFERENCE to the homeless as our yearly theme encourages us to do.  

All donations may be placed in the donation box in your child’s classroom.  On Wednesday 12th June the school community will all be attending mass at 10am to help celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart.  Here we will offer these donated items, which will then be distributed to St Vincent de Paul. Everyone is welcome to attend. 



  • Wednesday 5th June @10am

           St Kevin Feast Day - Mass - ALL WELCOME

  • Wednesday 12th June  @10am

           Feast of the Sacred Heart - Mass - ALL WELCOME

  • Wednesday 19th June @10am

          Prep & Grade One - Level Mass - ALL WELCOME