Principal's News

Our theme for this year


Lets Care! Be the difference! 

Parent Newsletter Term 2, Week 8  Tuesday 04/06/24 


Lord, open up our hearts so that we may hear the message you teach of a world in which the wrongs of the past are recognised - a world in which a reconciled people walk and talk together sharing stories; a world in which all burn with the desire to have your peace and justice reign. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


National Reconciliation Week is held every year from 27th May until the 3rd June. The theme for this year is, ‘Now More Than Ever.’ It’s a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must continue.


Reconciliation Week - Mass and activities


Last week, the FIRE Carriers worked with Mrs Gerosolimo and I and all students were involved in activities to build their knowledge about Reconciliation Week. 


Students spoke about Reconciliation Week and these are some statements they made about their learning.



This is about making change to be a better, more accepting person. By opening our minds and learning from each other.



The connection between first people and their land is very important. We need to learn from them and appreciate all cultures.



This is about facing the bad choices we have made and understanding that we can make a change for the better.



This is about treating all people with dignity and kindness.



Treating everyone fairly even if they look different from us. Everyone has a right and a voice to be heard.


Bunnings BBQ


So proud to be a principal of a school with parents and carers who roll up their sleeves and work together to assist the school and ultimately the amazing students.  We will get straight into fixing seats on the playground.


Thank you to EVERYONE who helped at Bunnings Doncaster on Saturday 1st June.  A MASSIVE thank you to Suzanne for her miraculous planning, precision in organisational skills and phenomenal energy!


Thank you to Laura M for being co-captain (with Suzanne) and a fantastic leader! 


Thank you to Jo for looking after the finances and assisting with record keeping.


We raised just over $1,500 on the day.  What an outstanding result!  So beautiful to see families drop in and have a sausage and/or a drink and generously donate to assist our school.


Thank you to the following volunteers who came and helped at the Bunnings BBQ: You are all so thoughtful:


Laura M, Wilson C, Sophie A, Alex Y, Marey N, Jim T, Trish Y, Kristy C, Jacqueline S, Suzanne C, Dixie A, Penny A, Mabi R, Renee C and Jo H.


Thank you the following families who donated items and/or money for the BBQ:  You are truly generous! 


Du, Heydari, Harman, Young, Kral, Lane, Chu, Crimi, Twinning, Young, Santoro, Cheung, Vercauteren, Armstrong, Yacoub, Diamente, Abdul Hayy, Chou, Parvar and Tsiotinas.


We model to our children that building community and helping others is valuable and worthwhile.   It also helps  build  school spirit and a positive school culture!



Scholastic Book Fair


The Scholastic Book Fair has raised $1,955 for our school and we got $586 worth of books.  The funds have been used to purchase books to stock the library with new resources.


Congratulations Jo Matarazzo for organising this fun event and thank you to all the parents and staff who purchased books and stationery.  Every little bit helps!


Again a very special thank you to staff and students who showed true leadership and service by volunteering to assist in the Scholastic Book Fair! Thank you again!



 School Improvement Learning Collaborative Day Wednesday 29th May


Con, Eva and I attend the Eastern Region Professional Development Day on Wednesday 29th of May. Simon Breakspear was the host and he presented using a recap on what is learning?  We each wrote our own definition and then he shared a definition.  We explored explicit instruction and all teachers are working with Daily Reviews.  This enables students to move information from short term memory across to long term memory through retrieval practice (revising their facts and building on the learning).


Ai Friday 31st May 


Con and I attended a MACS session on Friday.  At the session we reviewed future policies in this area and participated in robust discussions about the use of AI in our world, in secondary and primary schools.  This is going to be an area of requiring attention and further learning for all.



Student, Parent & Teacher Conversations


Parent Teacher Student Conversations will take place on Wednesday 26th of June between 12:30pm and 5:30pm. All students will finish school at 12pm on that day.  All students are required to attend the conversations as this is a perfect opportunity to review achievements so far and then set goals.  

Please go to  use code f4ywu 


Reports will be sent to the Compass Parent Portal on Monday 24th  June. Please ensure you can log in and receive messages etc. 


Any parents that have attended a PSG (Parent Support Group) meeting for their child, do not need to schedule a Parent, Teacher, Student conversation.


3/4F Student, Parent and Teacher Conversations will take place on Wednesday 19th of June between 12:30pm and 5:30pm.

Please go to  use code 6qej5  





Did you know that St Kevin’s has a defibrillator? It is located just outside the sickbay and our staff are First Aid trained.  Last month  we all undertook training in using a defibrillator and performing CPR. 



2024 School Fees 


Fee statements are emailed each month to your nominated email address.  Payments may be made weekly, fortnightly, monthly or over three terms.  We accept cash, credit card (office or over phone), Bpay and direct deposit.  


If you have not received your statement please contact the office.  If you have no other payment arrangements in place and have not made a payment this year your account is now overdue.  We ask that a minimum of three payments are made throughout the year with all fee accounts to be finalised by the end of October. 


If you wish to set up a payment arrangement please download the direct debit (cheque or savings account) or credit authority form (St Kevin's Link) and submit it to the office. 



Camps, Sports and Excursions Funding - APPLICATIONS CLOSE 26TH JUNE 2024.


CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. 

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.  


A special consideration category also exists for asylum seekers and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. 



St Kevin's Concessional Fee Policy 


Please read the new Concessional fact sheet information for those families who qualify and meet the criteria. It offers significant savings to families.  


Concessional School Fees are available to any family that meets the below eligibility criteria: 


- of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage holding an HCC (Dept of Health Concession Card) and eligible for CSEF (The card must be issued in the name of the fee payer and list the students for whom the concession is to be applied). 


- experiencing severe financial hardship holding a DVA Gold Card (Dept of Veterans Affairs Health Card) 


- identified as refugees and holding an ImmiCard is strongly encouraged to apply for concessional school fees. 


To see St Kevin’s School Fees Concession Policy  please click on the link below. Students of eligible families are entitled to concessional school fees.



School Uniform


Please check that your child is wearing the correct uniform. On enrolment at St Kevin’s parents and carers agreed to follow the uniform policy and we ask you to honour this agreement by ensuring your child has the correct items to wear.  


Runners on sports days with sports uniforms and socks should be plain white. All children should have black school shoes. 


Please note that nail polish does not meet uniform expectations and hair at shoulder length needs to be tightened back or up.


Felix Winter  - range is on sale

Arrivals and Dismissals - Traffic Plan

Thank you to parents that are not blocking the 'Pedestrian Crossing'.   

Reminder that any parents that arrive early need to park in the middle or along the rock wall.

The pick up and go area is for picking up students and moving on immediately.  It is not a park and wait zone.

We have had  a few complaints from neighbours about traffic blocking driveways and traffic congestion so we need to keep the traffic moving.


Seesaw - Top Job 3/4F!


Cleo in Year 4  for making it to Division Carnival!  We are so PROUD of you! We all wish you the very best!    Thank you for representing St Kevin’s Primary School at the Cross Country!



We hope Eliza (LSO)  has a great teaching round.  She will be away from Term 2 Week 8 till the end of term.


Welcome to St Kevin’s

Emelia - a student teacher from ACU working in 3/4 F &

Rania -  a part time Learning Support Officer


Upcoming Dates

  • King’s Birthday  Monday 10th June is a Public Holiday in honour of the King’s birthday.
  • School Photos 21st June
  • Final Whole School  Assembly for Term 2   Monday  24th of  June 2:30pm in the Church
  • Story Dance and Drama Time Wednesday 19th June for Preschool Students

Have an amazing fortnight!  Blessings to all, Gabee Leone