Years 2 & 3

This week, our class have been reading a book called 'Our Island' which is a picture book collaboration by the children of Gununa with authors and illustrators Alison Lester and Elizabeth Honey. The students have answered comprehension questions and learned about personification.(Personification is a type of figurative language that gives human traits to animals, plants, objects, and other non-human things. For example, 'On the mudflats, mangroves march on skinny legs'.
In Writing this week, we have completed a Rocket Writing task. In Rocket Writing time. the students write non-stop for 15 minutes after a brainstorming session on a chosen topic.
The topic was - If I could have a super power, what would it be and how would I use it. We then edited our writing and typed it up on the laptops. As you can see, the level of concentration by the students was very high!
In Maths, we have been concentrating on building our place value knowledge of hundreds, thousands and ten thousands. We have practised making, reading, ordering and writing these numbers. Lots of practise with using MABs really help with increasing our understanding too.
We have been doing lots of extra recorder practise in readiness for next week’s Eisteddfod. Check out our rehearsal video below!