This Week's Notes

Dear Parents and guardians,
This week has been busy with Principal forum and the Glenelg Network meetings. It is amazing how much we learn from each other. I learnt a lot about education not only at Glenelg network but learning that I would take with me beyond. It is even more valuable when I share and apply the learning to new contexts including Cavendish PS.
Learning is lifelong and we take every opportunity to constantly create experiences as opportunities for our children to learn such as modelling. Children learn through imitation and absorb all behaviour through their experiences and that impacts on their learning opportunities in class.
Based on literacy research, even to keep newspapers and books on the tables at home goes a long way in modelling. In addition to reading, modelling good manners such as kindness and gratitude is what we do every day subconsciously. However, it is the conscious decisions and modelling which make the most difference for their learning.
This helps with their creativity and intrinsic motivation to be more curious. We can model and teach children to be critical questioning the answers and use strategies to be creative in everything they do. I see this every day at the school yard with our students where they can be so creative as to create a race track and compete as well as someone commentating. Amazing and most creative work! Playgrounds are like tapestries we create for our children to create their own learning building positive skills and relationships.
Student Free Day
On Monday, we have organised a student free day as teachers will use this day to finalise their assessment and complete their reports. We will see the students back at school on Tuesday.
Student Survey - Years 5 and 6
Attitude to School Survey is completed every year by Grades 4-12 in June. Our school will run this with Grades 5-6 on Wednesday 5th June. This is more important than ever in terms of student engagement, agency and voice, learning and wellbeing. If you do not wish your child to participate please respond to the message sent last week or let us know beforehand.
Next Thursday 6th June, we will have the Eisteddfod in Hamilton. According to the Program our recorder groups are the last section of the afternoon. We have asked Frau Barber if we can change the section to be a bit earlier to allow our bus students to get back to school in time. We are still waiting for the organisers to get back to us but if they can't change it and your child is involved in the recorder performance, you may need to pick your child from Hamilton as the school bus will need to leave by 3 pm. If we manage to change the time for this performance, we will let all parents know at the start of next week. Please ensure your children are in their full winter school uniform (same as photo day).
We have attached the Program for your information.
Taekwando has finished for the junior class and the senior class will have their sessions on Monday 17th and 24th June.
Lockdown Drill last week
We practised a lockdown drill with the students last week and completed a feedback sheet. It all went to plan and the children responded well and listened for the teacher instruction.
Heat up lunches
With the weather cooling down we will start our heat up lunches for students on Wednesdays. This is the only day that staff will heat up lunches for students, so please make sure that you adhere to this.
Yashar Duyal
Acting Principal