Principal's Piece 

God's Love and Care for All

Term 2, Week 5


Dear Parents and Carers,


As we approach the halfway point of the term, our teachers have been busy preparing Semester One reports for students. This process is a time for teachers to reflect on your child’s learning and comment on their achievements.  Report writing involves many many hours of writing, editing and proofreading and it is often done once school has concluded for the day. The personalised comments provide parents with an insight into their child’s work habits, achievements and areas for improvement. I would like to thank our parents for their continued support and involvement in your child’s education and we look forward to celebrating your child’s achievements at parent teacher interviews later in the term.


Our Year 6 students went to visit the Mary Glowrey Museum this week. It was an opportunity to learn about Mary’s life and the impact she had on our Catholic teachings and supporting vulnerable women and children. We received this message from the staff at the museum which I wanted to share with you all: I am writing to tell you how much we enjoyed the two OLPS student groups sessions at the Mary Glowrey Museum. It's always heartening to have students showing evidence of thinking about the information, inquiring and making connections. The students' respectful behaviour and engagement are a credit to the school.


Our Year 4 students ventured to Holy Cross Monastery in Templestowe for a day of reflection and prayer in readiness for their First Eucharist.  




Next Tuesday evening we have our Faith Formation Night with our Year 4 students and parents commencing at 7pm. This is an opportunity where parents and their children unite to deepen their understanding of the Eucharist and share personal reflections. 




Mobile phones: Just wanted to remind parents about our Mobile Phone Policy.  Students are encouraged not to bring a mobile phone to school unless there is a compelling reason to do so, such as walking home from school. If your child is being dropped off and picked up from school, their mobile phone is not required at school. If parents need to contact their children during school times, this must be done through contacting the office. It has come to our attention that not all students are handing their phones in each morning. If your child is bringing a mobile phone to school it is imperative that their classroom teacher is aware so that the phone can be collected at the beginning of each day.  

School Policy: Student Mobile Phone



Thank you to all the families and staff who donated to the Breast Cancer Foundation. We were able to provide a donation of $1000.00. Thank you for your support.  




Prep Enrolments 2025: Enrollment for Prep 2025 will close on Friday 24th May. If you have not already returned an enrollment form, please return the application as soon as possible to secure your child a place.


School Calendar: Please check the School Community Calendar Page for important upcoming events. 


Have a lovely weekend



Cinzia Mancuso

Acting  Principal