Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Fee Increase
OSHC fees have recently been reviewed by the Board, Shannon Correll and myself and it has been decided to increase OSHC fees from Term 2, 30th April 2024.
The fee increases proposed are required to ensure we can manage increasing wage costs and general operating costs. This fee increase means that our service pricing remains competitive in comparison to most other OSHC services in our area and will ensure a quality service is retained within the school community.
Term 2 2024 Fees:
Before School Care: $15
Before School Care Casual $20
After School Care: $25
After School Care Casual: $30
Pupil Free Day: $60 home based
$70 + Excursion fee if applicable
Please keep in mind your Child Care Subsidy will come off these fees.
Late Fees:
6.15-6.30 pm $50
After 6.30pm $50 every additional fifteen-minute interval or part thereof.
All OSHC fees for Term 1 need to be paid in full prior to commencement of Term 2.
All outstanding amounts need to be paid prior to your child being able to attend OSHC. Accounts will be emailed out first week of the holidays.
OSHC will return Tuesday 30th April.
If there is any way, I can assist please don’t hesitate to discuss it with me.
Email: oshcdirector@stb.catholic.edu.au
OSHC mobile number: 0448 830652
Yours in Love, Peace and Learning
Shannon Correll