From the APRIM

Ms. Paula Burns

Catholic Education Week - Raising Hearts and Minds

Catholic Education Week was celebrated in Catholic schools throughout South Australia from May 13-19, 2024.

At St Brigid's we took this as an opportunity to reflect on and share all the things that we love about St Brigid’s School and what makes our school special.

During this week, each class created a beautiful heart shape which was displayed outside each room.  Our students (and staff) also spent time reflecting on what they love most about our school and showing this love with their actions throughout the week.


Laudato Si Week - Care for the Common Good


Every year the Catholic Church marks the anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical Laudato Si’. From the 19th – 26th of May we celebrate what is means to care for our common home. Laudato Si reminds us we are called to action to take care of the earth and all of God's marvelous Creation.

This year the theme of Laudato Si’ Week centres around ‘seeds of hope’. We are called to consider how we can plant and nurture seeds to be the hope that the world needs during this time of suffering for our planet .


National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week 

National Sorry Day takes place on 26th May. This is the day every year for all Australians to reflect upon past mistakes and learn more about any current issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. It is also a time to reflect, remember and recognise all those who were affected by the Stolen Generations both in the past and continuing into the present.

This leads the Nation into National Reconciliation Week. This is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. This year the theme is 'Now More Than Ever'.

Each student and adult in our school will be decorating a footprint which will be displayed on the wall at the basketball court to help us remember and reflect on the steps taken by the stolen generation and of their families as they tried to find their loved ones.


National Simultaneous Storytime

On Wednesday 22nd May, along with 2,359,147 other students in Australia, the school joined together with their buddy classes to hear the amazing story of Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker, from there, the students went on their very own treasure hunt to find their own blue treasure.

A huge thank you to Ms Mardi our librarian for the wonderful activity. The students all had a wonderful time finding their own bowerbird treasure. Thank you Ms Mardi for sourcing all the blue materials and even dyeing the painting the things that weren't blue!


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning,


Paula Burns


Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission (APRIM)