From the Assistant Principal Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing

Mr. Jason Puttnins



Our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2/3 students were visited by Bugs n Slugs. Bugs n Slugs are dedicated to the conservation and promotion of invertebrate animals such as insects, spiders, lobsters, worms and snails. 


Our students were able to handle and pet assorted species, including invertebrate animals (animals without backbones) which make up 99 % of animal diversity. Contrary to common belief, only very few are serious pests and diseases of humans, live stock and crops. Indeed, the vast majority of invertebrate animals are absolutely vital to ecosystem health. They keep our rivers and oceans clean, our soils and crops productive and recycle organic waste.


Our students learnt all about how without invertebrate animals our world would be an inhospitable place.


Check out some of the amazing pictures below!


Find out more about Bugs n Slugs here -


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning,


Jason Puttnins


Assistant Principal: Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing