5/6 T

Dear 5/6T Families,


SFX is always busy and the last two weeks have been no exception. Our students are involved in school life in such a huge variety of ways so we thought we'd share some examples with you.



On Wednesday the Year 6s were invited to the John Paul College production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They thoroughly enjoyed the lively production and recognised some former SFX students amongst the cast! 


The acting was really good, it felt like it was all happening in real life. It was definitely exciting.  It made us feel happy to see how much the people we knew from SFX were enjoying being in it.   comments from Aneeta and Max

Our Year 6s got to meet the cast and found a couple of Golden Tickets!
Our Year 6s got to meet the cast and found a couple of Golden Tickets!

On the day of the production, the Year 5s remained at school and were fortunate to spend some time getting to know Mr Will who is taking over Miss Ash's role in Year 5/6.  We welcome Mr Will to St Francis Xavier and wish him a happy and productive time at our school.

Year 5s from 5/6T welcome Mr Will
Year 5s from 5/6T welcome Mr Will


This week we resumed Wednesday Morning Whole School Prayer.  A huge thank you to Max and Grace who along with Lexi and Gabriel, shared our school's House Teams' connection to Pope Francis' encyclical 'Laudato Si' (Praise Be to You).  Next Wednesday morning the Fire Carrier students will lead the prayer with a focus on Reconciliation Week.

Faith in Action Leaders Facilitating Wednesday Morning Whole School Prayer
Faith in Action Leaders Facilitating Wednesday Morning Whole School Prayer


This week, the 5/6T students worked in teams to consider what the Year 6s have undertaken in their Leadership Roles so far this year.  It was also a great opportunity to look at what they might implement moving forward.  The Year 5s contributed by offering feedback and suggestions.  Our Year 6s are divided into five Teams, Health and Wellbeing, Faith in Action, Community and Sustainability, Learning and Innovation and School Captains.  

Sebastian and Jack (Two of our Health and Wellbeing Leaders) have recommended we remind students about caring for the existing playtime/sports equipment. They are also keen to get some pop up sports workshops happening.
Sebastian and Jack (Two of our Health and Wellbeing Leaders) have recommended we remind students about caring for the existing playtime/sports equipment. They are also keen to get some pop up sports workshops happening.

It is also wonderful to see the leadership initiative from our Year 5 students.  Several of them have set up Lunchtime Clubs.  Olive helps facilitate the Coding Fun Club, JL and Summer are involved in the Drawing Club and Valentina is one of the Photography Club leaders. These clubs enable students across the school to enjoy a variety of activities during the break.  Well done Everyone!