1/2 N

We are 1/2N!

Simultaneous Story Time

Grade 1 students recently had an exciting visit to Frankston City Library as part of the National Simultaneous Story Time event. They gathered to read a beautiful, new, Australian book "Bowerbird Blues," which sparked their imaginations and a love for reading.


During their visit, the children were introduced to the library's book borrowing and returning process. Librarians guided them through the steps of selecting books, checking them out, and the importance of returning them on time. The students also got an inside look at how the library's book return system operates, observing the journey a book takes from being returned to finding its place back on the shelf.


Resilience Project Incursion

Last week, we welcomed The Puppet Kerfuffle Group, who performed a captivating puppet show about resilience. Students learned that resilience means bouncing back when things get tough. The performers shared practical strategies the students can use to demonstrate resilience in challenging situations. 


The puppets provided a perfect way for students to engage in fun learning while observing real-life scenarios that often affect us all, such as not being able to find something quickly when needed. The event was both educational and entertaining, making it a delightful experience for everyone involved!