

On Wednesday, it was National Simultaneous Storytime. This year, the featured book is Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker. The Preps listened to and discussed the habitat and features of the Satin Bowerbird. We also made connections to images in the book and looking after the planet. Later in the week, the students will create collages using blue objects. 


The Preps are using their letter sound knowledge to write simple words. They use sound boxes to sound out the sounds and then apply their letter sound knowledge to write them accurately. 


Last week in math, some students explored open-ended addition problems and used their known strategies to find the answers. They also had the opportunity to explain their reasoning and thinking. Other students participated in activities to support their understanding of numbers. This included accurately counting small collections of objects and writing the matching numerals.


 This week, the Preps are learning to describe the position of objects in relation to other objects. They have been using words such as 'on top', 'underneath', 'inside', 'outside', 'in front', 'behind' and 'next to'.  


In front
In front and behind
On top
On top
On top
Bottom shelf
On top
In front
In front and behind
On top
On top
On top
Bottom shelf
On top


The students demonstrated their understanding of the position language learned in class. They were given instructions to draw objects and position them in relation to other objects. 



After our excursion to CERES, we discussed and clarified how we sort our rubbish into "good" and "bad" categories. The students all agree that "bad" rubbish is landfill waste, while "good" rubbish includes recyclable materials and organic matter for the compost bin. Additionally, the Preps are learning about the important role plants play in our environment, plant characteristics, how plants grow, and what they need to survive. The students explored this concept in a variety of ways.


Education in Faith 

During Education in Faith and our morning prayer circle, we have been creating prayers of petition (asking for help). The students wrote their own prayers of petition, focusing on the environment and ways to care for it.