What Did You Do At School?

In Writing, we explored the features of non-fiction information reports about different animals! This will help us build inspiration to write our own Information Report soon! In Maths, we loved using Play-Doh to learn the concept of length. We made some really long snakes and some very short ones, too! In Reading, we took a closer look at the importance of characters in stories. We focused on a mouse character who was small in size but brave and strong in his heart! In Spelling, we enjoyed getting messy while painting a candle filled with wax! We planned to make this for someone special to let them know that we appreciate them! In Integrated Studies, we had the blessing of Pastor Graham Nelson visiting our classroom to share all of the changes that have happened to Oxley Christian College in Chirnside Park since 1987! We learned that Pastor Hal Oxley listened to God and created our school! There have been so many other exciting adventures in Prep, and we look forward to even more as the year carries on!
Year 1
Did you know that God created patterns in Creation? These patterns are called Fibonacci Sequences, and we can see them in God’s handiwork – pinecones, seashells, and the face of a sunflower. These are called Fibonacci Numbers. We have been exploring the mathematical concept of patterns. We are learning to model and draw 2- and 3-step patterns using colours, shapes, and objects. We also learnt how to write the rule for each pattern type using ABC. One of the activities that was a hit was making our own pattern hat. Here, you can see Eliana and Charlotte modelling 2- and 3-step patterns using different images. What patterns can you find in your house?
Year 2
In Integrated Studies, we embarked on an exciting journey into the world of change through captivating science experiments! Our latest adventure involved a vivid exploration of how plants absorb water. We placed celery stalks into jars of brightly coloured water and eagerly made predictions about the results. The experiment has been nothing short of mesmerising as we watched the celery drink the coloured water, with the leaves gradually transforming into vibrant hues. It was fascinating witnessing these changes firsthand!
Year 3
We have been looking into the lives of Explorers who have done great things. We have placed ourselves in their shoes and considered what their habits of mind would have been while out on the open ocean. We also tested our own navigation skills by plotting out on world maps the journey our explorers took. We are looking forward to preparing a presentation and sharing our work with the Year 3 and 4 community.
Year 4
We can’t believe we are over halfway through the term. We have been busy with so much learning. We love our daily VCOP activities where we learn new vocabulary and make up sentences for them. Last week we learnt about the words dapper and elegant. We decided that Mr Gaiser looks very dapper when he wears his bowtie and smart clothes. We have been writing narratives for the last few weeks and have enjoyed creating characters, using descriptive words to paint a picture of our setting, and thinking of all sorts of problems and solutions for our characters to encounter. We have very vivid imaginations in Year 4!
Year 5
In English, we have been learning about asking deep thinking and quick questions. It has been fantastic to apply this learning in Integrated Studies as we research significant figures in Australian history. We look forward with anticipation to taking on the character personality of our assigned influential figure that we have researched. It was superb to work in a group to create a diorama of a significant event in Australia’s history. The mixture of a static display and our taking on a figure’s personality will be something to behold at the Museum In Motion Learning Expo on Thursday 20 June!
Year 6
There is an air of excitement in our classrooms with the cast roles for the Junior School production, Finding Nemo JR, having been announced. We were all gathered in the Junior School Theatrette with tense anticipation for the arrival of Mr Clarke. As each role was revealed, the whole cohort applauded and congratulated every student, for both the major and minor roles. Mrs Bradshaw and Mr Gaiser were so proud of how we publicly responded to receiving our roles and our following conversations out in the yard. We are excited for what Mr Clarke has in store for us, as we represent the school together in this creative way. As we gear up for the end of term, we look forward to our Museums in Motion Learning Expo on Thursday 20 June, where the Year 5 and 6 students will embody the persona of an influential Australian person, answer questions about their character, and present dioramas on important events that have impacted Australia's history. We hope to see you there!