Canteen Orders

Register and order Online

  • It’s Easy
  • It’s Stress Free
  • It has online payments
  • Order until 9am on the same day
  1. Go to:
  2. Select ‘REGISTER NOW’ on our home page
  3. Add your name, email & create a password
  4. Complete your details including your child’s school
  5. To order school lunches select ‘Canteen Orders’ then ‘I am a Parent’
  6. Click ‘ADD STUDENT’ and complete details for each additional student
  7. Press ‘SAVE’ to continue.

Now you can ‘START ORDERING’

  • Select a DATE for the order & start creating a healthy and interesting lunch from our extensive menu
  • Click ‘GO TO CHECKOUT’
  • Enter payment details & click ‘PAY’
  • Repeat steps 5-7 for each child in your family
  • Relax knowing we have an amazing lunch for your child on its way!

Download the Bocca Foods Menu


Download the BOCCA online ordering flyer 










Download a copy of the QR Code and start ordering today!


A suggestion box is available outside the Canteen. Please feel free to add suggestions or ideas for future food options.

Canteen Staff