PFA News 

Upcoming Bunnings Barbeque Event

Heads-up to the upcoming “Bunnings Barbeque Sizzle”. We have now secured the dates for this event: Saturday 17 August 2024 between 8.00am and 6.00pm at Bunnings Fountain Gate.  


This is an annual PFA fundraising event and all the money that is raised on the day is donated directly to school. Any guess what the school is looking for? Keep an eye watch for this in the upcoming newsletters and compass posts.

Reminder - PFA Registration Renewal

All existing PFA members (registered prior to SEP 2023) are requested to complete their PFA Registration Renewal as per the guidelines from the Department of Education. 


Link to the Renewal form:

Alternatively, you could scan the QR code below to access the renewal form:

Please note that this renewal has to be completed before the end of May. 


Those who have not completed their registration renewals before the end of this month will be automatically removed from the PFA members list and will lose access to the WhatsApp group.

New PFA Registrations

We welcome any new members and appreciate all contributions from our amazing parents and friends. If you would like to Join the PFA and be part of this vibrant school community group, please scan the QR code below and register with PFA. 


Alternatively, please reach out to Shankar Ramadas Email: or Ph: 0423125892 and we will send you the PFA forms. 


Feel free to reach out for a chat if you want to know more! 

Link to PFA Registration


Uniform Shop

The PFA second-hand Uniform Shop is open on the first Monday of each month (during school terms), as well as the first day of each term. 


Following are the dates the second-hand Uniform Shop will be open this year:

  • 15 July 
  • 5 August
  • 2 September (Summer)
  • 7 October 
  • 11 December @ 10 AM 
    (Year 9 2025 Orientation Day) 

The shop is located in the Fitness Centre at the rear of the northern (Jean Russell Centre) carpark.


Donations of uniform are very welcome and can be left at Reception.


Sarath Purushothaman