From the Principal's Desk

As we approach the end of Semester One, our dedicated staff and hardworking students are diligently completing the necessary work to ensure a smooth transition into Semester Two. As the end of Semester One approaches, it is time to reflect on what students learnt during the Semester and set themselves new goals for the new semester. We would like to commend students and teachers for their work this semester and urge them to think about what they have learned and how they learned it.
Language Diversity Day
At Nossal, we proudly promote and celebrate cultural diversity and empathy in many ways. On Monday 3 June, we celebrated our much-anticipated Cultural Diversity Day. The Language teachers worked under Ms Sly's leadership to create an incredible program celebrating Japanese and French culture. The day included several activities such as an Artist’s studio, Japanese comedy, Manga drawing, French and Japanese games, and the Rhythms of West African drumming, just to name a few. Throughout the day, students could purchase a crepe or enjoy sushi. However, the whole school assembly run by our student language leaders, Lovidu Fernando and Eric Yang, highlighted the central focus of this event. The assembly was an extension of the work done in our classrooms and focused on several different aspects of learning. There was a focus on the French visitors and the recent Japanese Tour. The assembly included music and dancing from the K-pop and Bollywood dancing groups.
PESA Regional Final
The Plain English-Speaking Award (PESA) is a prestigious competition that aims to encourage using clear and effective spoken English. The PESA Regional Final, hosted by Nossal High School on Thursday 30 May, provided an invaluable opportunity for senior students to improve their confidence and develop their speech-writing and public speaking skills. We are proud of our students who participated and look forward to more such events in the future. We would like to express our gratitude to Ms Faulkner, who helped facilitate this important event.
Proactive Programs: Sleep Hygiene
As part of the proactive programs, the Year 11 students had the opportunity to listen to Professor Shantha Rajaratnam. His special area of interest is Sleep and Circadian Medicine. He is the Head of the School of Psychological Sciences, Chair of the Sleep Health Foundation, and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences.
In his talk, he emphasised the importance of good sleep habits to maximise students' academic performance. More than two-thirds of Australian teens suffer from sleep deprivation, and the number of students suffering from sleep problems has doubled in the last decade. His research highlighted that sleep benefits the brain and promotes attention, memory, and analytical thought. It makes thinking sharper and recognises the most important information to consolidate learning.
Sleep also facilitates expansive thinking that can spur creativity. Whether studying for a test, learning an instrument, or acquiring job skills, sleep is essential for young people. Given its importance for brain function, it is easy to see why young people who do not get enough sleep tend to suffer from drowsiness and lack of attention, which can harm academic performance.
In addition to academic performance, students who are sleep-deprived are also prone to struggle with emotional issues. Sleep-deprived young people are more likely to report anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts. Improving sleep in adolescents may play a role in preventing and managing these mental health conditions. We are keen to work with our students to improve their sleep habits.
For further information on this topic
Staff Professional Learning
Last Wednesday, during our Professional Learning session, staff at Nossal focused on the School Environmental Management Plan. The Nossal Environment and Sustainability Team (NEST) teacher leader, Ms. Lainey Nieva and an external provider from Ceres School of Nature and Climate organised the session to focus on Resource Smart strategies. For those who want further information about this organisation, please see
The staff focused on the school systems in sustainability management using topics such as the Nossal sustainability policy and green procurement policy, and there was a quick review of the curriculum. As a school, we have commenced the vital work of sustainability management and whole school behaviour change.
Our students in NEST are working diligently to raise awareness of sustainable practices in the school. They are currently focused on Victoria’s container deposit scheme and zero-waste. They await the special bins to help the school community more effectively separate this waste. For further information,
YEAR 12 Formal
The Year 12 Formal was held on Friday 7 June, at Vogue Ballroom. There was much celebrating as the students and staff dressed up and danced the night away. The dancing was punctuated by many student performances throughout the night; there were so many remarkable performances. Under the gentle guidance of Ms. Soltys, the formal committee developed a memorable program for all who attended.
Students and families are reminded that on Tuesday 18 June, Victorian senior secondary students will have their literacy and numeracy skills measured against the GAT – General Achievement Test standards.
The GAT will be held on Tuesday 18 June, running from 9 am through to 3 pm
This digital Delivery Day (Asynchronous) will be for Years 9 and 10 only. Some Year 10s will also be involved in the Casey Tech investigations title ‘Fuelling creativity through AI’.
Parent Volunteer Program:
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the parents who have generously volunteered their time and skills to support various school activities. Your active involvement in supervision at school excursions or sporting events has been invaluable and greatly appreciated.
Your involvement has dramatically enriched our students' experiences and contributed to the positive atmosphere at our school. We want to enhance these opportunities for parent engagement in student learning next term.
Upcoming Excitement!
Semester One ends on Friday 14 June and Semester Two begins. There are three weeks left until the end of Term Two.
There will be a Curriculum Day on Monday 17 June, and students will not be required to attend school.
The 2024 School Production, “Puffs,” will be on Thursday 27 June, Friday 28 June, and Saturday 29 June. It looks fabulous, and tickets are selling fast. If you intend to attend this event, it would be greatly appreciated if you could purchase your tickets as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.