Student Well-being

Year 1/2 Community
This term in wellbeing the Year 1/2 students have been exploring the Corpus Christi Behaviour Matrix and all the different values which are displayed through this. We have learned about what it means to feel and be safe at school as well as behaviours which help us to demonstrate this. Following up from this the students have learned about and discussed their right to learn in the classroom. We have identified factors that affect this such as taking turns and not interrupting each other. In doing this we have all been respectful of everyone's right to learn, giving everyone the best opportunity to do their personal best. We have demonstrated our learning in different ways including having discussions, creating posters and participating in role plays. Have a look at some of our posters below!
Better Buddies Visit
Last week we began our Better Buddies Kindergarten visits! It was so lovely to see our Year 5 students connect with the kindergarten children.
They started their session by helping the kindergarteners make a cushion for their Mother's Day celebration. It was fabulous to see how helpful our buddies were.
They then had the opportinity to reminsce on their kinder days and have a play outside! They loved getting on the trikes, playing in the sand and playing hide and seek!
The walk back is always wonderful to debrief on the session. The children are always so chuffed with themselves and love sharing their stories with one aother. It is lovely to hear about the positive experiences that the Year 5 students have. The buddies are super excited for their second visit later in the term!
Lauren Borg
Student Well-being Leader