From the Principal's Desk

Thank you to all families for your understanding and support regarding yesterday's plumbing problems which caused the shutting down of the student toilets.
We understand what's happening 'underground' causing the reoccurrence of the blockages and will be seeking advice from MACS Infrastructure and working with contractors to tackle the problem.
Mothers' Day Wrap
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Mothers' Day on Sunday and enjoyed the glorious weather on display.
Our Mothers' Day brekky last Friday was a hit, and our Dad's cooked up a storm. They even tell me it was the best yet!
As expected there was certainly a buzz at the Mothers' Day Stall as children searched for that perfect gift to give to their mum or special person in their lives.
A huge thank you to all parents and staff who assisted with the day whether that be the ordering of gifts, cooking and serving at the breakfast or assisting at the Mothers' Day Stall.
The Big Problem with Classroom Interruptions
PA announcements, calls to classroom phones, children arriving late, children leaving early, forgotten lunches/hats/jumpers/water bottles, parent requests and unexpected visitors all interrupt students' learning and teachers' teaching.
Each interruption causes memory drops, accuracy drops, comprehension drops and loss of focus.
You may think a simple request to pass on a drink bottle is trivial yet studies show that if you multiply this by the number of disruptions schools typically experience students are losing about 58.5 hours per year of learning. That's over 10 days of learning per year.
At Corpus Christi School, we have routines and processes in place to minimise these interruptions as much as possible, but we need your help.
Late arrivals and early departures are becoming a huge problem. Please arrive on time so that your child has time to get organised and prepare for the day ahead. Late arrivals are to come to the office and will be escorted by school staff (if need be) to their classroom.
Please refrain from collecting your child early from school unless there is an absolute need. Unnecessary early pick-ups are becoming problematic to classroom learning and admin operations.
Any forgotten items need to be handed into the school office and will be distributed to children by staff at an appropriate time.
Thanks for your understanding.
Student Representative Council (SRC) Year 1 Elections
Congratulations to Edith Brown and Finn O'Brien who were elected by their peers as the Year 1 representatives on our SRC.
Finn and Edith will be presented with their badges at next Monday's Assembly.
Footy Tipping
A reminder that all Footy Tipping money is now overdue.
Please pay at the school office ASAP!
Fees and Levies
Last week all families would have received an up-to-date Fee and Levy Statement. Unless you have set up a payment plan, the Individual Pupil Levy and the First Term Instalment should now have been paid.
A reminder that the Second Term Instalment along with the Capital Levy are due by 28th June.
Have a wonderful week,
God bless
Anthony Hyde