From our Principal

Christine Pillot

Learning at Croydon SDS


It's been an absolute highlight of my past fortnight walking into classrooms across the school to see students engaged in a variety of class and specialist based learning activities.  Students have been working in groups and independently completing hands on engaging tasks, supported by students using their augmentative and alternative communication devices and visual schedules.  


As I sit and write this newsletter, I am extremely proud to be the principal of Croydon SDS, seeing staff assess, plan and deliver point of need lessons, and students thrive is high quality teaching and learning.

OSHC Survey 

Over the past 12 months, School Council have been discussing onsite school holiday and OSHC programs.  School Council would like to hear your views on running a school holiday and OSHC program at our school, to determine if this would be feasible.   We invite you to participate in our brief survey (5 questions).

Thank you!


At our last school council meeting, the following policies were reviewed and ratified:

  • Volunteers
  • Visitors
  • Photography, Filming and Recording Students
  • Bullying Prevention
  • Yard Duty and Supervision
  • Student Wellbeing and Engagement
  • Attendance

I would like to highlight a change in the Photographing, Filming and Recording Students policy.  From 2025, parents/carers will have the option to consent to their child's images being used beyond the school community; this would include on the school website and in the school newsletter that will be published online.  


All of our current polices can be found on our school website and on Compass, under the community tab - School Documentation.  If you would like hard copies of any of our policies, please see our office staff.