Humanities and Social Sciences

Fieldwork at the Andrew Thompson Conservation Reserve and Canning River Eco Education Centre
On Friday 10 May, our Year 12 ATAR Geography students participated in their Task 3 Fieldwork Assessment at the Andrew Thompson Conservation Reserve in Waterford and the Canning River Eco Education Centre in Wilson. Naomi Adamczyk, River Guardians Project Officer from the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) talked them through the local environment, assessed food webs, conducted water samples and discussed the causes of river pollution. Students assessed the difference between urban drains and living streams, which are old drains converted to replicate natural environments. Our locations provided a great opportunity for students to see the impacts of land cover change on ecosystems, as well as an example of a strategy that addresses these impacts. Thank you to Mr Aaron McGoorty for accompanying us, it was an excellent day of fieldwork and fun.
Miss D Pisconeri
(Humanities and Social Sciences Teacher)