From the Deputy Principals

Mr Roger D'Almeida, Miss Carrol Abel and Mr Patrick Ah Fong

Semester One Reports

Although we are only just past half way through the term, teachers at the College are prioritising the completion of the Semester One Reports. The Years 10 to 12 reports are scheduled to be released on SEQTA at the start of Week 11, with the Years 7 to 9 reports following later in the week. These reports offer students a chance to evaluate their progress so far and prepare for a successful Semester Two.

Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews

Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews will be held on Monday, 15 July.

The second round of Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews will be held on Monday, 15 July between 12.00pm and 7.00pm. This day will be a Home Study Day for students who are not attending interviews. They are face-to-face interviews and students are required to accompany their parents to the interviews wearing their full College winter uniform. Further information, including how to book interviews with teachers, will be released to families in the final week of this term.

Year 9 Camp

Staff and students are in the final stages of their Year 9 Camp preparations. An online meeting was held on Wednesday 22 May that went through all of the arrangements and requirements for the camp. A reminder that those students who are unable to attend camp are still required to attend school during the camp week.

Distribution of Leavers' Jackets

Earlier this term, the Class of 2024 received their Leavers’ Jackets, marking a significant milestone in their final year. It is one of the highlights of the year for many, with some students expressing that donning the jacket made them truly feel like graduates. They're a special achievement and are worn with pride by our Year 12 students as they complete their final year at the College.


In keeping with tradition, Year 12 students are permitted to wear their Leavers’ Jackets to and from school exclusively on Mondays. For the rest of the week, they are required to wear their College blazer to and from school, switching to their Leavers’ Jacket at their lockers. It's important to note that Leavers’ Jackets are not to be worn under the College blazer and the College blazer is mandatory for all formal occasions, including liturgies and assemblies.

Year 12 Retreat

The Year 12 Retreat will take place on Tuesday 18 June at Integrity House in Osborne Park. It is a compulsory Year 12 event and students will be transported to and from the location. The theme of the Year 12 Retreat is developing an ongoing relationship with God as students transition into their adult life and it will be one of the final times prior to Graduation for the year group to come together and participate in a unique student experience. Students are required to wear their College sports uniform including their College tracksuit but can also wear their Leavers’ Jackets on the day. Further information, including details of what students need to bring, will be made available to families in the near future through Consent2Go.

Mr R D'Almeida

(Deputy Principal Years 9 & 12)

Parent Committee and Mother's Day Breakfast

Our Parent Committee organised and hosted the Mother’s Day Breakfast on Friday 10 May. It was a lovely morning honouring the mothers, grandmothers and significant female role models in the lives of our students. Our Parent Committee dedicated much time and energy to collaborate and prepare this special event. Thank you to the committee members Florence Dunsford, Chandrukannan Rajaram, Jessie Meyers, Denise Quinless-Heyman, Inoka Ratnasekera, Cate Berry and Fay Menhennett.

The next Parent Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday 31 July at 6.00pm and they are still looking for new members who can support the great work they do for our College. For more information about the Parent Committee, please contact Miss Carrol Abel.

St Norbert Day Celebrations

It is tradition for the College to mark the Feast Day of St Norbert (6 June) with a day of celebration. This year, we will celebrate St Norbert Day on Friday 14 June. See details below:



  • 8.50am to 9.25am- Homeroom and move to Fr Peter O'Reilly Centre (ORC)
  • 9.30am to 10.30am - College Mass (in the ORC)
  • 10.30am to 10.45am - Morning Tea
  • 10.45am to 11.00am - St Norbert Day Activity Group Meeting
  • 11.00am to 11.30am - Staff v Student Sport
  • 11.45am - 12.00pm - Activity Group Departure
  • 3.15pm - Return from Activity
  • 3.20pm - Dismissed


Students are expected to attend school on this special day. If a student is unwell and cannot attend school, we request parents contact the College before 8.50am and if not provided, a follow-up note, email or Direqt Message is to be sent to the Homeroom Teacher upon their return to school. Any Year 11 and 12 students who attend TAFE on this day, should collect a Variation Form from the Careers Centre.


Uniform and Personal Presentation

Students are required to wear their full and correct College tracksuit and House shirt including the College sports socks and sport shoes. If students do not have their full College tracksuit, then they must wear their full College winter uniform including blazer. The full College correct uniform must be worn to and from school and for the College Mass. 



Parents are welcome to attend the College Mass in the ORC, which commences at 9.30am. As students will be scheduled a time to be seated, we request that parents are seated at 9.15am in the reserved seating on the Mezzanine level or at the back of the ORC.


Morning Tea and Lunch

Students will be provided with cake and a drink for morning tea. Otherwise, students can bring their own morning tea. The Café will not be open. When students have their activities confirmed, they will be provided with details as to whether they bring their own lunch or can purchase at the activity venue.



Students will be able to choose from various activities (mainly off-site) for the afternoon. These include the Perth Zoo, roller skating, escape rooms, bowling and many others. Next week, students will be sent a link to complete a form to add their order of preferences. From these preferences, students will be allocated to an activity. When allocation of activities have been confirmed, parents/carers will be sent an MCB Consent2Go email requesting permission to attend and payment information. 


We look forward to celebrating St Norbert Day as a College community. 

Miss C Abel

(Deputy Principal Years 8 & 11)

Year 11 and 12 ATAR Exams

Exams commenced for our Year 11 and 12 ATAR students on Monday, 20 May. Please contact Mr Roger D'Almeida (Year 12) or Miss Carrol Abel (Year 11) if your child is sick on the day of their exam.


As Year 12 exams are 3 hours long, morning exams will finish at 12pm and afternoon exams will finish at 4pm. The duration of Year 11 exams varies between 2.5 hours and 3 hours depending on the subject area. Please refer to the below Exam Timetables for dates and expected end times for each exam.


Year 10 Exams

Examinations for Year 10 students will commence on Tuesday 4 June and run until Friday 7 June. Year 10 students are only required to attend school on the day they have an exam. A copy of the Year 10 Semester One Exam Timetable is available below.



Students are permitted to go home at the end of their exam. For those students who have afternoon exams (1.30pm to 3.20pm), a supervised revision room will be organised for students who wish to remain at school after completing their morning exam. 


Mr P Ah Fong

(Deputy Principal Years 7 & 10)