Climate Canons

Laudato Si'
Laudato Si’ is an encyclical written by Pope Francis in May 2015. Translated as ‘praise be to you’, the letter addresses the Catholic Social Teaching, Care for Our Common Home. Pope Francis focuses on the social and ecological crisis that exists in our world today and what we can do to ensure we preserve our planet for future generations. Pope Francis teaches that ‘everything is connected’. By taking action and caring for creation, we are also caring for the poorest and most vulnerable in our world. These goals are designed to provide guidance on how each of us can take steps towards caring for our common home.
The Climate Canons attempt to live by these goals in all the work that they do here at St Norbert College. This Laudato Si’ Week (Sunday 19 May to Sunday 26 May), the Climate Canons are hosting an Art Competition (for more information, please see below) for students to engage with Pope Francis’ message. A notice board with information has been available for students to learn more about this important event too.
Miss D Pisconeri
(Climate Canons Co-ordinator)