Student Ministry

Kimberley Immersion Collections

We are keen to start collecting donations for our Kimberley Immersion being held from Saturday, 7 September to Friday, 13 September. Items will be donated to the Gawooleng Yawoodeng Aboriginal Corporation Women’s Shelter in Kununurra, handed out at the Community Kitchen and  the Remote Communities Op Shop Program. 


We are currently looking to collect the following items:

  • Used children’s summer clothes
  • Used baby clothes and brand new hygiene products and disposable nappies
  • Used adult summer clothing (particularly ladies)
  • Brand new underwear (ladies and children)

St Joseph's School have requested hygiene products for their camp. We are looking for donations of shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes and sanitary pads. These items can be hotel sample size or family sized.


Donations can be dropped off at Student Ministry. Thank you for supporting the Kimberley Immersion.

Winter Appeal

Student Ministry are collecting donations of non perishable food items such as cans of soup, pasta, rice, tea, coffee and long life milk as well as winter clothing and bedding for our Winter Appeal to assist the Shopfront and Vinnies to meet the needs of their clients. If you are cleaning out cupboards over the next few weeks, jackets, beanies, scarves, warm tracksuit pants and jeans are especially needed for those who sleep rough. 


Donations can be dropped into Student Ministry.

Knitting Club is Back

It's been wonderful to see so many students coming along to Student Ministry at lunchtime on Tuesdays and Fridays to knit or crochet squares (that will be joined together to make blankets) and beanies to help those sleeping rough around Perth keep warm this winter. 


If you don't know how to knit or crochet, but would like to help make a difference, come along and Ms Margaret Kyd and our Knitting Club regulars can show you the ropes.


Ms M Kyd

(Campus Ministry Co-ordinator)

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