News from Bryan Carswell

Indigenous Liaison Officer

An Iron Ore Giant Visits the College

Saints had the pleasure of hosting some of the Rio Tinto mine crew recently. Our First Nations Years 11 and 12 students enjoyed a 50 minute slide presentation and talks from the crew.


Many from the mine were in one way or another related to one or more of the students, who ended up calling them either uncle or aunty. It was a friendly, casual, fun and informative afternoon. One speaker noted that what we do at St Augustine's is the same as what Rio Tinto does: It tries, as we do with our students, to develop in its workers sound values. We endeavour to help the boys become the best versions of themselves, encourage them to give their all, and to pursue and aim for excellence in everything they do. If your son can be a great student at Saints he's the right person to apply for a job with the mining company.


It was amazing and heart-warming to see in the slide presentation two Old Boys, Oscar Sabatino and Mace Arnold. They graduated in 2022 and began their Rio Tinto apprenticeships the following year. Mace’s application, we were told, was outstanding and is used as an example of the perfect application. Congratulations Mace! 


Back row: Second from the left Oscar Sabatino and fourth from the left Mace Arnold
Back row: Second from the left Oscar Sabatino and fourth from the left Mace Arnold


There'll soon be another intake of apprenticeships, and Rio Tinto will keep us up to date in this regard. Here is the link to its website: https://www.riotinto.com/careers .


Our sincere thanks to Ms Rosselle Canilao and the Rio Tinto team. The students and I are grateful for your time and expertise.