News from Brett Toombs

Director of Boarding

Champagnat Celebration Dinner

The boarders celebrated Champagnat Week, with dinner featuring a traditional French menu last night. Invited guests included the Marist Brothers community, as well as St Augustine’s and St Monica’s staff. In celebrating the feast day of St Marcellin, the founder of the Marist Brothers, it is always very nice for the community to come together to unite and acknowledge the importance of this occasion.


Free weekend

It's a free weekend in boarding. Students on leave should be back at the College by 8pm on Sunday night, or may return Monday morning with the permission of their head of residence. If boarders are staying with school friends, the family of the boarders should have contacted host families. 


End-of-term departures and arrivals for Term 3

As we approach the end of term, boarders who travel home by air and on buses, will be planning for a smooth and timely journey. The final day of term for both colleges is Thursday 20 June. The last day of term has always been acknowledged as a travel day for boarders attending St Augustine’s who travel long distances home. St Monica’s travel day is on Friday for girls who are flying home etc., and I appreciate that some students have to leave earlier due to flight schedules. Weekly boarders are always expected to remain at school until the end of the last lesson of the term.  For any reason that a boarder may be leaving school before the Thursday of the final week, families must submit a Request for Leave form to the day school.


In planning for Term 3, the boarding residences open on Monday 8 July from 3pm. All boarders are expected back at the College by 8pm. Saints is holding parent-teacher-student interviews on this day too.


Families, please send us travel itineraries for airport pickups well in advance so the transport schedule can be organised. These can be sent to heads of residence or to me.


Boarders of the week

Congratulations to our Boarders of the Week recipients. These students have been making a difference in residence and their positive contributions have been noteworthy.

Juniors - Mikayla Pearce and Robert Pezzelato

Seniors - Aroha Parkinson and Cadell Ryan



Champagnat Day Awards

Congratulations to Archie Clifton (Junior Marist Medallion) and Tre Bobongie and Linkin Stoddart (Marist Homeroom Awards) for being acknowledged and receiving Champagnat Awards. These awards are nominated by homeroom teachers and are awarded to students who have displayed the Marist virtues that we speak about at Saints.


Weekend outings

Over the past two weekends, the boarding community has been involved in a variety of very enjoyable activities in Cairns and surrounding areas. To break up the outing and to give students some change, the boarders travelled to the Barron Falls and Kuranda Markets and enjoyed a beautiful day at Millaa Millaa last weekend, having a swim at the falls and enjoying some leisure time in the town.