News from Christine Cross

Director of Mission

Some Long-Awaited News for the Diocese of Cairns

Cairns has received some exciting news! Pope Francis has announced that Fr Joe Caddy AM, the Vicar General of the Diocese of Melbourne, will be our next bishop and, hopefully,  take up his post in August. We look forward to new wisdom and insights from Fr Caddy when he joins us in Far North Queensland. This link will take you to a personal message from Fr Caddy. 


He was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in the General Division in 2018 for “significant service to the community through a wide range of social welfare initiatives and policy reforms...”.


Ride for Rosies

The third annual Ride for Rosie was held last Friday and was a great success. Sixty riders from St Augustine's and St Monica's covered over 3900 laps. Students are still collecting pledges and if you wish to help us help those in need, please give through the Please Help Me Reach My Goal button at fundraise.rosies.org.au/fundraisers/Saints/ride-for-rosies--2024- 


Thank you to all the sponsors and the riders. The amount raised will be included in the next newsletter. Another huge vote of thanks must go to Mr Elliott, who spent countless hours coordinating the event, and to St Monica’s for coming on board and all others involved for the remarkable success of the ride. Funds raised will help hundreds of people a week for the foreseeable future.


Ride for Rosies reflections

By Kobe Roberts

I recently took part in Ride for Rosies, charity event where students took to the velodrome to ride laps and raise money for a great cause. As a mountain bike (MTB) rider swapping rocks and roots for a smooth track was a fun change of pace. The experience was incredible, pushing me and my friends to give it our all, and the turnout from staff and students was fantastic. It was great to see so many people come together for such a good cause. I highly recommend this event to anyone looking for a rewarding challenge and a chance to make a difference.


By Tomas Rodney

The annual Ride for Rosies was a great charity event at the Cairns Cycling Club velodrome. We had a very large turnout this year with a combined effort of 60 St Augustine’s and St Monica’s riders. The fast pack, with riders on road bikes, set a blistering pace, with the leaders maintaining very close to 40 kilometres per hour, for the entire 60 minutes. It felt amazing to be able to raise money for the homeless people in Cairns, simply by doing what I love. With over $12,000 raised, I’m excited to see the fundraising total we were able to achieve. A very big thanks to Mr Elliott and Ms Milne for organising this extraordinary event.



A massive thank you to all the Year 12 students who have volunteered for Rosies this term. it’s great to see so many people get out of their comfort zones to help some of the most vulnerable members of our society. Thank you also to all the teachers who help facilitate Rosies each fortnight.


Red Shield Appeal

Nearly 50 Saints students ventured into the unfamiliar streets of Brinsmead on 26 and 27 May to raise funds for the Salvation Army's vital work for those most in need. Brinsmead residents opened their hearts and their wallets and generously donated to the cause. 


After their four-hour adventure around the suburb, the Salvos kindly treated our volunteers to soft drinks and a sausage sizzle. An enormous thank you to all the students and staff who gave their time on the weekend. 


Relay for Life

To the 55 volunteers who have signed up for Relay for Life on 13 July, thank you. I have high hopes we can smash the current records on how much money we can raise for cancer research this year.


Finally, thank you to those who have supported service around the College. By doing so we are making our world a better place.