Save the Dates for 2024
Monday 26 August
Monday 21 October
The Parent Forum allows parents and carers to communicate and connect with the school. It is a wonderful opportunity to touch base with the Principal, school leadership team and other parents. Your participation and feedback are vital in shaping the future of our sons' education and the school community.
The second forum for 2024 was held on Monday 27 May and was well attended by parents and carers. Although there was a smaller group than at the first forum in February there was lots of good discussion. Mr Glen Seivers gave a brief report on the busy term it has been with the musical, sport, camps, Year 10 work experience and community service activities such as the Red Shied Appeal. Director of Boarding Mr Brett Toombs provided an overview of boarding.
The parent committee provided an update of happenings since the previous forum:
- New soccer goals have been purchased and are being used.
- Portable stands for the choir have been bought and should arrive soon.
- New larger lockers for our Year 9s have been installed.
- Further lockers will be installed soon. (This is a multi-year commitment financed from the P&F levy.)
- The school logo mosaic is nearly completed and will be installed at the main entrance on Scott St.
- Use of the Showgrounds for sport is going well.
These investments will enhance our school, the facilities for our young men and support our teachers.
There was discussion and questions about the Tolle's menu, Parents-in-Touch seminars, the Year 12 Formal, 100% attendance, respectful relationships, vertical homerooms, Mother’s Day Assembly, pastoral care, student achievements and other matters.
Most year levels have their own private groups or chats (not part of the school). These groups are mainly used by parents to ask questions about school events, return items to one another that boys seem to misplace, and organise social catch-ups. If you are not part of one and would like to be, please contact the parent committee on the email below. The committee has representatives from each year level.
As fellow parents we encourage you to get involved at school where you can, by attending assemblies, seminars, parent-teacher-student interviews, sporting and arts events etc. There was some discussion on the absence of fathers and father figures at the forums and events. We encourage all father figures to get involved with their sons' education and the school where they can. Mark your calendars now for the Father's Day Assembly on Thursday 29 August.
The next forum will be held on Monday 26 August from 5:30pm. Wine and cheese will be served. We look forward to seeing you there! The parent forum is a place for parents and carers to communicate and connect with the school. It is a wonderful opportunity to touch base with the Principal, school leadership team and other parents. Your participation and feedback are vital in shaping the future of our sons' education and the school community.
If you have suggestions, a topic of interest, or have questions prior to the next Forum please email