News from Glen Seivers 

College Principal

'To aim high and not to be content with mediocrity'


Our Year 12s are always held to exceptionally high standards by their Head of Year Mr Andrew Dorahy. He expects much of them, and the Class of 2024 is no exception. Mr Dorahy has no time for mediocrity - and what is more, he expects our Year 12s to lead by example, to be men of courage, to be unselfish and to choose what is right. 


These ideals are clearly articulated through a prayer that is well known in the Marist world and that Mr Dorahy has used with Year 12 for many years. I initially came across this prayer at Marist Canberra and it is the official college prayer at many Marist schools across Australia including Marist Ashgrove, Marcellin College Bulleen and St Joseph’s Hunters Hill. 


The prayer was written by Brother Michael Naughtin while working at St Joseph’s College. Br Michael died in 2010 after a life devoted to young people and wrote the prayer for the students of St Joseph's.  


This prayer is central to what we want for each of the young men in our care. It encapsulates our aspirations for them and in many ways can be seen as a vision statement. We have now officially adopted what was our Year 12 prayer, as the College prayer. 


New bishop for Cairns

Pope Francis has announced that Fr Joe Caddy AM, Vicar General of the Diocese of Melbourne, will be our next bishop and take up his post in August. On behalf of St Augustine's we wholeheartedly welcome Bishop-Elect Joe Caddy. 


We acknowledge Fr Kerry Crowley for stepping into the role of Diocesan Administrator in 2022 and the enormous contribution he has made to the diocese over the last two years. 


Champagnat Day

Today we celebrated the feast day of the founder of the Marist Brothers, St Marcellin Champagnat. It is a highlight on the calendar of every Marist school and was magnificently celebrated with Mass, food and afternoon games.


Fr Crowley presided at our Mass today assisted by Deacon Tony Moore. During his homily Fr Crowley reflected upon the life of St Marcellin, spoke of how he felt the call to the priesthood  and went on to found the Marist Brothers. He also invited our Year 12 students to consider whether any are being called to take on a priestly vocation.


St Marcellin was a role model as he was a servant to his community. A highlight of the Mass was recognising the Marcellins Among Us. Many of our young men were acknowledged for a range of activities they do to benefit the community beyond St Augustine's. Many staff were also recognised for their years of service at Saints.

This year there is added significance too. On 18 April, the Church celebrated the 25th anniversary, or silver jubilee, of the canonisation of Saint Marcellin, which took place in 1999 at the Vatican. Pope John Paul II declared Marcellin Champagnat a Saint of the Universal Church, acknowledging his profound impact on education and his unwavering dedication to serving others. 


Additionally, the statue pictured below was commissioned for the canonisation of Fr Champagnat. It portrays his strength and determination. Upon his shoulders he bears the burden of universal childhood with tenderness and sensitivity. Additionally, the statue sits in an alcove immediately outside the Pope’s official residence, and whenever he looks out his window is reminded of the Marist Brothers! 

Sacramental Mass

As a Marist school, we have a clear vision to form "good Christians and good citizens". This vision is also captured in the phrase "making Jesus Christ known and loved" On Sunday 26 May we had two staff and 20 students receive their sacraments at a special Mass. With the influx of those receiving their sacraments, sponsors and family members, we moved to the larger venue of Lennon Hall. 


We hold a Boarders Mass in the chapel, which fits staff and the 182 boarders comfortably. Anyone associated with the school is most welcome to attend it at 7pm each Sunday evening. 


We thank Fr Laurie for not only presiding at and Mrs Cross for organising the Sacramental Mass, but for their work in implementing the sacramental program.