Principal Message

Be Kind, Be safe, Be respectful, Be responsible, Be resilient, Be ready
Dear Parents and carers,
On Sunday, at 9.00 Mass several of our students will be making their First Communion, we wish them all the best on their special day.
When children receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time, they know, through their preparation, that Jesus becomes food for their soul under the appearance of bread and wine, they are encouraged to receive Communion afterwards, as often as they can, in order to remain in close friendship with Jesus. This is because, when we receive Communion, we receive Jesus and all that he stands for: his compassion toward the sick and disadvantaged, his forgiveness of those burdened by guilt, his call on people to share their wealth, his teaching of the true meaning of love.
National Reconciliation week
The journey to reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples is not easy, but the Catholic Church remains hopeful of healing.
That is the message from chair of the Bishops Commission for Relations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Bishop Charles Gauci, as Australians mark National Reconciliation Week.
“We are reminded that reconciliation is an ongoing journey,” Bishop Gauci said.
“There has been much that needs to be healed—there has been injustice, discrimination, dispossession, and all that accompanies these issues.”
Reflecting on the path forward, Bishop Gauci emphasised the importance of healing and progress.
“As we journey together, we must continue to heal from the past while also looking toward the future. We need to find effective ways to ensure the common good is shared by all people of this nation, especially our First Nations People.”
Bishop Gauci highlighted the critical areas that need attention to achieve equality.
“We need to narrow the gaps in life expectancy, housing, employment, and mental health,” he said. “There are no easy answers. We need to prayerfully reflect, be guided by the Holy Spirit, listen to each other with respect, and walk together to find the best way forward.”
He stressed the importance of mutual respect and equality, saying: “There is no room for paternalism, no room for pushing people where they don’t want to be, and no room for any form of disrespect.”
“This journey is not easy. Love demands sacrifices—it’s about giving, respecting, and wanting the absolute best for others.”
Bishop Gauci called on the Church to play a pivotal role in this journey.
Keep smiling
P.S. Congratulations Mrs Blackford on the arrival of your new grandson! He is very cute!