Mrs Robyn Wilson - MaST - Mathematics Specialised Teacher
Mrs Robyn Wilson - MaST - Mathematics Specialised Teacher
Kindy have been so busy learning all about forming groups so that they can multiply. Mrs Barnes in this activity was having students roll the dice to get the number of groups and then she chose a number to go in those groups. Look at all they great work below.
Later in the lesson Mrs Barnes had the students doing repeated addition as a strategy for multiplying groups. See Milly and Hayden's work below.
Putting objects together in equal groups helps children to understand early multiplication. Encourage your child to move objects to create equal groups. There are lots of opportunities to make and show equal groups in everyday life. Think about events when sharing is needed and ask your child to help you create equal groups.
• Sharing equal amounts of food
• Baking biscuits or cupcakes where the mixture is shared equally
• Building 2 Lego towers the same height
• Giving equal amounts of time to play with a toy
• Organising your toys into equal groups.
• Sharing out cards for a card game
One of the best ways to explore equal groups is to make unequal groups and problem solve together how to make them equal.