From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
“Oh what a night!” The words of an old song resonate at St B’s this morning! Our ’One Night Only’ Art Show was a huge success. We’ve had such positive messages, comments and emails from parents, and the students are both proud and excited. From red carpet entrances, impressive outfits, phenomenal stop motion clips, fantastic artworks to yummy ice cream and popcorn…the night had all the elements of a movie and gallery premiere.
An event such as this does not happen without the help and support of so many people. To all our hardworking, dedicated staff who support our programs both in the classroom and beyond with special mention to Ms Daniela for her coordination of and preparation for the show, our creative and talented students and our families who came last night and showed such excitement and support for the students. A special mention to the Vernuccio Family, Augustus Gelataria, for the incredibly generous donation of the ice cream.
We are so proud of our students and the Show, and we encourage you to share your photos on social media.
Grandparents Morning
Last Friday morning we had some very special visitors in our school. Grandparents and special people spent some time in classrooms and then enjoyed a scrumptious morning tea in the hall. We had more special visitors here than in past years and there was such a great feeling in the school. Students adore these very special people and love having them at school. A huge thankyou to allwho attended and to all those who provided such a wonderful morning tea.
Bunnings BBQ
Many thanks to all the parents who volunteered at the Bunnings BBQ last Saturday, both onsite, behind the scenes and who contributed by way of donations. A very special thankyou to Andy and Sejla Gunn who coordinated the event and were present all day to ensure everything went so smoothly, much fun was had and new connections were made. The day was successful in so many ways, with an amazing profit of $3,500 being made.
School Advisory Council | Expressions of Interest
Last Thursday night our School Advisory Council met for the final formal meeting of the year. It was the final meeting for our Chair, Ric Miolo who leaves this role as his youngest child finishes his primary schooling this year. We sincerely thank Ric for his contribution to the Council over a number of years and for his constant and positive support of our school. We therefore have a membership vacancy on the SAC. Information about the process is included in this newsletter for those interested in being considered for the role. We require this membership role to be filled by a male to ensure we have balance, as required by our governing documents. Please consider supporting our school in this way and see the information in the below attachment.
Important reminder | Makeup
A reminder that makeup is not to be worn to school. If students require lip balm, parents need to inform staff in writing, noting that lip gloss is not lip balm. We have been concerned by the number of students bringing makeup items to school, and applying these items during the school day. Your support in this is much appreciated.
Assembly this Friday
Assembly is on this Friday at 3pm and the Year 3/4 will be hosting.
PL Day - Monday 4th November and Public Holiday
The next PL Day is on Monday 4th November. There is no school for students on this day. OSHC will be available if the minimum numbers are met. Bookings are essential.
Tuesday 5th November is Melbourne Cup Day as this is a public holiday OSHC will not be open on this day.
Sharing Rome and Assisi
A friendly reminder that I will be hosting a ‘Sharing Rome & Assisi’ afternoon on Monday 18th November at 2:30pm where I will be sharing my photos and experiences and would love you all to come along and join me. If you are interested in coming along, please rsvp by Friday 15th November by emailing the School Office or telephoning 9384 8500.
Year 6 2025 Bomber Jacket reminder
A friendly reminder order forms and payment for the Year 6 bomber jacket are now overdue. Please return your order form by Friday 1 November.
Annual Christmas Card Competition
The annual Pascoe Vale electorate Christmas Card Competition closes this Friday. The winning design will appear on a Christmas Card and message to be distributed across the community. With full credit given to the winning student. Students are asked to submit the information sheet to school by Friday 1st of November. There are some fabulous prizes up for grabs!
Something to Think About
Last Sunday was International Grandparents Day. They are some of the most special relationships our children have.
Joanne Doherty | Principal