Happy Hearted 3/4H

The students of 3/4H have participated in many great learning experiences since our last newsletter page.

They became biographers who researched facts about Captain James Cook and then wrote and published his biography. They enjoyed creating final products which were authentic to the era.

The students also learned the structure and essential features of diary writing. Using their knowledge of early convict/colonial life in Australia, they wrote a diary entry that depicted the hardships faced during the early years of colonisation.

They proudly created decorations for our classroom for Indonesian Day and were the proud recipients of Jeffrey for a year!

All students continue to flourish in their oral reading. Changing fluency partners promotes collaboration and cooperation with different class members who give encouraging feedback with the way they read. Using expression is as important as following punctuation to know when to pause or stop.

The students really love joining their letters when writing. Many students have mastered the art, while others are continuing on their journey. Here they proudly demonstrate their attempt and cursive writing on whiteboards.

Some of our RE lessons involved careful reflection of the importance of caring for people and the environment. Upon studying the need to ‘care’ for everything and everyone, we held a very reverent classroom prayer service to highlight God’s call for everyone to be leaders of faithful and fruitful lives.

In mathematics the students are strengthening their knowledge of all areas with daily revision and practise of skills/strategies. In preparation for our Maths evening, the students paired with their 1/2B buddies to play  a variety of games that reinforced their understanding of number manipulation.



And finally, I am thrilled with all of 3/4H’s growth and development this year. They have all become independent learners who work hard and respect the inclusive and organised learning environment we have established collectively. 

Well done EVERYONE!