Principal Post

Dear Families,

Thank you for the support of our closure day last Friday. During the day our staff engaged in an in-depth exploration of the new Victorian Curriculum, focusing on its implications for teaching and learning. The professional learning sessions highlighted key insights from cognitive science and best practices to enhance student outcomes. Staff also collaborated to developed a cohesive whole school scope and sequence to ensure a consistent and effective learning experience for all students. We appreciate the opportunity to meet as a whole staff to enhance our professional learning. 

Please note our next School Closure Day is Friday 6th December - planning Day for 2025.

Family Maths Afternoon

Today we are hosting our Family Maths Afternoon! The fun and games will begin at 3:30pm and conclude at 4:30pm


Please pick up your children as usual, and gather with them outside the steps at the Foundation end of the Scanlon building, where I will welcome you at 3:30pm. 

From there you will be directed inside the building to start the activities with your family. Once inside, you and your children will be able to engage in a range of maths activities and games together. This week the children have been learning some of the games in classrooms, so they might be able to teach you how to play! Apart from an abundance of fun, other benefits of attending are to learn some of the ways that we teach maths at SJV, and to take away some activities that you could do at home to support your child's maths development. There will also be an opportunity to win some prizes! 


We hope to see you all there!


Please keep in your prayers and thoughts two of our staff members who are currently unwell. Liz Jackson and Denise Dix Draper.

We wish both a speedy recovery. 

Liz will not return to SJV until 2025. We hope that Denise will be back with us in a few weeks time. 

World Teachers Day

We are blessed to have such wonderful professional and invested staff here at SJV. Friday is World Teachers Day. To all our staff we congratulate and thank them for their care and support of our students and families! May our teachers and Learning Suport staff strive to  educate, inspire and empower  our learners.

School Review


Next week  our school will  continue to undertake our School Review. Gavin Healy a MACS appointed Reviewer will come to our school on Wednesday 30th October and again on Friday 1st November. He will speak with various stakeholders; staff, students and parent representatives. He will  continue to review our School Improvement and our Annual Action Plans, our Learning and Social Emotional Programs and our various Data Sets. 

Gavin will return  in late Novemeber to present his report to the School Leadeship.

It is an important undertaking and will provide a platform for our continuous improvement  and future plans here at SJV. 


SAC Meeting

The School Advisory Council met last evening. School and Parish Reports were given. We spoke about the Review process and progress.  We talked about Student Leadership, and 

SJV Spirit Day - December 5 

Colour Fun Run  & Talent Show

On December 5th this year the school will be holding a Talent Show and a Colour Fun Run. This community event -SJV Spirit Day will need our Parents support us to be a success.

Please sign up to help using this link.

Spirit day

You need to have a Working with Children. If you do not have one you can still apply on: https: //

We want as many parents as possible to participate.

SJV Community Carnival-Save the date 29th March 2025

This event will be our major school fundraiser for 2025.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 23rd October 7pm.  

Online- via a google meet

Join Google Meet even without a Google account.

  1. Get the joining code or link from your meeting host.
  2. Head over to the Google Meet website.     (
  3. Look for the 'Enter a code or link' box near the bottom of the screen.

Dial-in: (US) +1 415-604-0392

PIN: 560 603 926#


Click 'Join'.


In order to make events work we need as many volunteers as possible so we hope to see as may families as possible online.

Resilience Awards

This week Riveesha won an empathy award for being a kind and thoughtful friend who always thinks of others. 

Ethan won a gratitude award for always being positive and kind. What a brilliant effort.

End of Year Testing

Over the next few weeks, our classroom teachers and curriculum leaders will begin to conduct various end of year assessments. These assessments are designed to evaluate students' skills and progress in English & Mathematics.  Testing will take place over the first 5 weeks of Term 4.  Results from these tests will help us tailor our teaching programs and inform the end of year reports. If you have any questions regarding these assessments please email our Learning and Teaching Leader, Rebecca Chan or speak to your child’s class teacher.

SJV House Sports Day

The annual SJV House Sports Day will be held on Friday 15th November at Ross Reserve Athletics track, 9 Memorial Drive, Noble Park (off Corrigan Rd) 

All students will need to be dropped at Ross Reserve Athletics track between 8:30-8:50 on Friday 15th November.  

There will not be any staff onsite at school.  

Before School Care and After School Care will be held from 6:30am -8am, and 3:30pm-6:30pm - but note: parents must still drop off and pick up from school as there will not be a bus to and from Sports Day.

 Since we are using Springvale Little Athletics track, we will use their fantastic athletics facilities. Year 3-6 students will participate in long jump, discus and shot put, as well as sprints on the track and other fun games and activities.  F-2 students will also do sprints and long jump as well as other fun games and activities.


The day will conclude at 3:00pm, all students will need to be collected from Ross Reserve Athletics track and signed out by their parent/guardian.  Parents will need to be at the track before 3pm.

Gardening Club

Our Gardening Club are just about to start planting some summer time herbs and plants. They recently sold parsley at the back gate for $2 a bunch to raise funds to buy new seedlings. They are really learning about how things grow and thrive using our compost to feed our worm farms.

2025 Classes  

Our Grade  stucture for 2025 is as follows

Foundation x 3 grades

1-2 x 5 grades

3-4 x 5 grades

5-6 x 5 grades 

We have begun our processes of planning for our classes for 2025. It important if you wish to make a request for yoyur child, please ensure that it is well considered and based on your child’s learning or wellbeing needs.

  • Parent requests need to be placed in writing to the principal, Andrew Mullaly, before the close of business on Friday 1st November.
  • If you have previously made a request, you will need to resubmit your request in writing as circumstances may have changed for your child.
  • As you will understand, ‘parent request’ will be considered however will not be guaranteed. 
  • Please note that we ask you not to request a particular teacher as teachers may change levels or schools.

In formulating class lists, we endeavor to ensure that each child has at least one friend in their future class.  Students have been asked by their teacher to name a short list of friends. Teachers will endeavor to place each student with at least one friend from their list. 

Not returning in 2025

We believe we are aware of the few students currently in Year 1-5 who are moving area and will not be attending SJV in 2025. If you have not informed us please ring and email the school immediately as it effects our planning and enrolment numbers.

Working With Children Check

A reminder to all our parents and grandparents that should you wish to volunteer on excursions, as classroom helpers, at sports events (including our House Sports Day) we must have your current Working With Children Check Card on file. If you have one currently please bring in or email to the office at

Level newsletters have been sent to all our families. These keep you informed of major dates and events coming up.


Please see our Important Dates page for all upcoming events and Term 1 2025 testing and starting days.