Principal's Message

Graduation Prayers
Amongst many wonderful celebration events at our College last week, our very special Graduation Assembly allowed our College community to celebrate and bid farewell to our Graduating Class of 2024. It was a wonderful opportunity to reflect on their journey so far, to remember times shared and lessons learned and, in a more immediate sense, to wish them well over the next few weeks as they embark on a final set of examinations prior to getting set for further training, university or employment. Although my assembly address was directed towards our Graduating Class, the messages and prayers contained within were certainly applicable to every young man at Trinity College. It was a reminder that as we travel through school, indeed life, it is our actions and our relationships that will determine how we grow, our true sense of purpose and what we ultimately achieve. I have included some excerpts below and highlighted some prayers that apply to all of our boys:
“…Graduation is one of many signposts on your path through life. It marks a turning point in your own formation and the beginning of the next phase of your journey. As you embark on the road ahead, may I leave you with three pieces of advice.
Firstly, keep on learning and keep on growing. As you move through life, never stop questioning things and learning because life should be a continuous journey of growth and self-discovery. It is in learning from our experiences that we develop and grow. Learn from your triumphs and learn from your losses. Life lessons are constant, they will come, one after the other. While the lessons aren’t always easy, it is important not to let them slip by. If you learn them well, you will always be growing. Be grateful for the many blessings and opportunities that life presents us. Our College prays that you continue to learn and continue to grow as good young men!
Secondly, I would encourage you to always choose what is right and, more importantly, to do what is right. All of you, I’m sure, want to do well in the future, but if you don’t do good things for others, then simply doing well in life will never be enough. The true measure of you as a person will not be found in the ATAR score you achieve or the salary you earn, rather it will be measured in the quality of the relationships that you experience with others and in the way that you treat others. To be a Trinity Man for Others requires you to be a man for all others, including those on the margins of your life. You are called to have the courage and character to serve the other – all others - those who may be the vulnerable or the voiceless among the many people you will meet in the future. Live your life in a manner that is reflective of the values that you have gained from your families and from this school. Our College prays that you are always striving to do what is right and you are encouraged to go from here and continue to be a Man for All Others!
Thirdly, I would encourage you to always believe in yourself. You all have such enormous potential and the necessary gifts to succeed in life and make a positive difference. Have the confidence to set your goals high, follow your dreams and be guided by your prayers and the prayers and hopes of those that truly love you. Do not be defined by others or constrained by trendy norms, but rather, reach high for the possibilities you can achieve because it is there you will truly define yourself. Our College prays that you believe in yourself and believe in the possibilities of what you can achieve!
While my obvious wish for you all is to ‘Do Well’, what I truly hope and pray, for each and every one of you, is that you ‘Do Good!’ It is in doing good for yourself, in doing good for your family and in doing good for others, that you will be truly remembered. May you Live Jesus in your Hearts – this day and every day...”
Once again, on behalf of all the College community, I would like to formally congratulate our 2024 Graduating Class and thank them for being such generous young men and leaving a wonderful legacy. Please keep our graduating Year 12 students and indeed, all of our students, in your prayers.
Live Jesus in our hearts
Mr Darren O’Neill