Chaplain's Chat

Friends of Faith – ‘Prayer and Pastry’
This week we had our inaugural ‘Friends of Faith’ meeting to pray for our school and the wonderful people within it. It was encouraging to gather with others from across the region and the churches! Our commitment was to pray that God would bless the efforts people are making in our community, especially for and with our students. God’s word encouraged us through the example of the persistent widow in Luke 18 to continue in prayer to our good God who has come to us in Jesus.
The Anglican Prayer Book for Australia has a prayer for places of learning:
God of all truth,
Teach us to love you with heart and mind.
Bless our school that it may be a lively centre for sound learning, new discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom.
May all who teach and all who learn seek and love the truth and in humility look to you, the source of all wisdom and understanding, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Some people were unable to join us due to work or other commitments, but you are welcome to join our mailing list so that prayer can continue. Please email Rev. Tim Bowles at to receive prayer updates.
Primary Chapel
Our Primary students gathered last Friday for Chapel with a focus on All Saints Day. They were pointed to the example of God’s good servants to persevere in the race of life set before them as children made and loved by God. Each of us with gifts, talents and abilities given by God to live for him and others in this world.
Open Invitation to Christ Church Anglican Echuca
Our Echuca/Moama Parish meet on Sundays at 500 High Street in Echuca, to worship together. All are welcome (families, students, staff and community) to attend and Rev. Phil Zamagias, along with the people, would look forward to seeing you!
8:30am: Traditional Holy Communion service
10:30am: Contemporary Anglican family service
FIFTH Sunday of the month
10:00am: Combined service followed by shared lunch
11:00am: 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month. Shortened Holy Communion Service
Rev. Tim Bowles