Whole School News

Payments Due
- Year 2 Camp: $240.00 due 4th November
- Year 3 Ian Potter Centre Excursion: $22.00 due 7th November
- Whole School Disco: $15.00 due 8th November
- Foundation - Year 4 Swimming: $116.00 due 18th November (no late consent or payments will be accepted)
- 2025 Year 6 Camp instalment: $500.00 due 26th November
Classroom Cuisine - new menu
Kiss & Go Zones
Before and After School Supervision
Just a reminder that, all students must be supervised (by a parent/carer or Team Kids) up until 8:45am and after 3:45pm. Any unsupervised child will be placed into the care of Team Kids and the cost borne by parents.
To find out more, register or book, click here. TeamKids-OGPS
In line with our yard-duty and supervision policy, the school provides staff supervision for students before school between 8:45am and 9am. The school also provides staff supervision for students after school between 3:30pm and 3:45pm.