Library News

Welcome back to Term 4
Hello to our students and staff.
It is great so see students enjoying our library, whether it is during their class time or break time.
New books and reading
Exciting news, we have fiction books newly arrived in the Library. Our Sora e-book collection continues to grow, and it is great to see the addition of new titles in our book collection which was organised by the Armidale Catholic Schools Office.
The English reading program for Year 7 and 8 is continuing again this term, with Year 7 and 8 classes continuing to come to the library with their English teachers to read and borrow books in their reading ranges.
Added to this, this term, Year 8 Geography are building their library reading and transferable research skills as they investigate the role technology plays in connecting people, goods, services and information in other places.
Library books borrowed by students to be returned this term
Currently our staff are reviewing items out in students’ names. If you have any library books at home, no matter how overdue, we are always pleased to see books returned. Check in your lockers, your bags and at home and drop them in the Returns box at the library counter. We are open to conversations and solutions, so come in and chat to library staff about any issues with the borrowed books. As always, the cooperation of students and families is appreciated in locating and returning the overdue books.
Our 2024 overdue items protocol involves:
- contacting students first via email at the beginning of term with a list of any resources currently out in their name and asking for these to be returned. Students to talk to staff if they think there is a discrepancy.
- students and parents are emailed a list of resources to be returned by the end of Term 4 (replacement cost notified beside each item) in Week 7 of Term 4.
- Class teachers, Mentor teachers and LOSC following-up with students in the last few weeks of Term 4.
- Mrs Carr, Leader of Learning in English, will notify parents if English texts have not been returned from the current year and the student will be unable to receive a novel for holiday reading for next year until the matter is resolved.
Vale the old library building
The demolition of the library, which has played a central role in the life and learning of the College for over twenty years, is well underway. Before this, the McCarthy Catholic Senior High School library was located where K2 and K3 are now.
This next stage in the history of the College will see us move into the 21st century with new premises and learning opportunities.
Libby Laird
Teacher Librarian
Susan Barrett
Teacher Librarian