Student Wellbeing

Stay Safe | Try Your Best | Act Responsibly | Respect Others

Grandparents Day

Our annual Grandparents Day was a huge success, thank you to all involved. A special thanks to our P+F who organised the morning tea. Was great to see our grandparents connect with each other after spending some quality time with their grandchildren. We look forward to next year.

Student Leadership 2025

Caeleigh our senior school leader has begun the process of organising 2025 leadership. Soon the grade 5s will be applying for the leadership positions in their Grade 6 year and the Grade 4s will be applying for STAR leader for 2025. More information to follow soon.

SRC Update

Our SRC students have been discussing some feedback around the Fete and look forward to sharing this with Lauren from the Fete Committee.


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Have a great fortnight

Ben Lannen

Wellbeing and Maths Leader