
Student of the Week Awards
As we are now publishing the newsletter every second week, we will be posting 2 weeks of Student Awards in the newsletter. However, each week at the Friday assembly we will only be presenting the awards for that week.
Assembly is every Friday afternoon at around 3.10pm.
Student of the Week Award Winners-
Student Awards- Week 6
FGM - Eleanor S
FS- Tiggy L
1/2B - Allie C
1/2C - Edward G
1/2S - Mia K
3/4CO - Kyra
3/4J - Noah M
3/4S - Art C
5/6A - Finella S
5/6J - Daisy T
5/6K - Liam C
Student Awards- Week 7
FGM - Pia S
FS - Leon C
1/2B - Abdulmajeed A
1/2C - Samira Y
1/2S - Jia S
3/4S - Teddy
3/4CO - Issy V
3/4J - Emmylou K
5/6A - Ted T
5/6J - Harry T
5/6K - Bugatti R
Happy Birthday for Week 5 and 6 to ....
Arthur, Ahlam, Anna, Adem, Cate, Frankie C, George, Ayse, Salhat, Rose, Thomas G, Finella and Eva!!