Message from the Principal Team

Week 5&6 Term 1 2025 


Dear CNPS Families, 

Can you believe we are already past the mid-point of Term 1 2025. This fortnight I wanted to reflect on gratitude. As a community we have a lot to be thankful for. Whether it be the generous way CNPS community members contribute their time, energy, mind, body, care or finances, we are lucky to be part of this special community. As Principal I go out of my way to acknowledge students, parents/carers and my colleagues for their generosity and commitment to Carlton North Primary School. CNPS is certainly a special community!  


Meet the Teacher 

Thank you to the CNPS community for embracing ‘Meet the Teacher’ Week 2025’. It was wonderful to move around the school and see teachers meeting with parents/carers and sharing information about students learning and wellbeing. I also enjoyed visiting the specialist teaching teams open afternoon on Tuesday 25 February. If you did not manage to book an interview with your child/ren’s classroom teacher and you would like to make contact, please reach out to them directly. 



The 2025 National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will be administered to students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 from Wednesday 12 March to Monday 24 March 2025. If any parent/carer has any questions regarding NAPLAN 2025, please contact your classroom teacher.   

Student Support Groups

CNPS offers Student Support Group (SSG) termly meetings for students in the following categories:

  • Students supported by the PSD or Disability Inclusion funding model.

  • Students who are in Out of Home Care.

  • Students who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

  • Students with diverse learning needs, students at risk of attendance and those who have behaviour related issues. 

If you have questions relating to Student Support Group meetings, please contact Jane Bilby - Assistant Principal.  


School Council Elections 

Next Wednesday 12 March 2025, ballot papers for school council elections will be sent home (via the oldest child in the family). Please return ballot papers to the CNPS school office by 4pm on Wednesday 20 March 2025. 


CNPS School Value – Inclusion 

Victoria has a strong and vibrant education system that celebrates diversity and is committed to supporting the achievement and participation of all students. Inclusive education acknowledges that some children and young people have intersecting identities or additional needs that schools may need to take into consideration. These identities may relate to:

  • having a disability or additional learning needs

  • gender identity

  • sexual orientation

  • being an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person

  • race

  • cultural identity

  • speaking a language other than English

  • social factors

  • economic factors

  • experience of abuse, neglect or family violence.

Inclusive education means that all members of our school community are valued and supported to fully participate in the curriculum, learn, develop and succeed within an inclusive school culture. It has been my experience that CNPS is an example of true inclusion. It is my hope as Principal, that as a community we live the CNPS value of inclusion in all our dealings with each other. 


Professional Learning 

Last Thursday, Jane, Erin and I attended the North Eastern Melbourne Area Principal Forum. These forums are an important aspect of the work Principal Class officers perform. A key focus of the forum was the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model.  The revised VTLM (VTLM 2.0) is informed by contemporary evidence about the way students learn and the most effective teaching practices and approaches to achieve strong learning outcomes for students, including priority cohorts. It has explicit teaching at its core. Another discussion point from the forum was student attendance. Regular attendance at school is essential to support the learning, wellbeing and safety of children and young people. CNPS works hard to support student attendance. Recording accurate attendance of students on a daily basis is essential. We ask all parents/carers to ensure if a student is absent from school, that you update Compass with appropriate reason for the student’s absence. 


Cultural Diversity Week 

Each year in March, Cultural Diversity Week brings together Victorians of all ages, cultural backgrounds and experiences to celebrate our state’s diverse multicultural communities.

This year, Cultural Diversity Week will run from Monday 17 March to Sunday 23 March 2025.

The theme, ‘Embrace the journey – shape our future’, highlights the unique and shared cultural journeys that define our diverse communities, encouraging us to honour our own cultural stories and those of others, fostering understanding, belonging and connection.


Building Project Update 

Today, CNPS was visited by prospective building companies as part of the tender process for the pending modernisation and building project. CNPS looks forward to sharing more information about this process in the coming weeks. I can confirm that the VSBA have advised that the portable classroom (to be stationed in the south/west corner of the school) is scheduled to be delivered on-site after 7 April 2025. 


Swimming Carnivals 

What a busy few weeks it has been for our Year 3-6 students. It was wonderful to attend my first CNPS Swimming Carnival on Thursday 20 February 2025. Can I say from the outset, wow, I have attended many swimming carnivals in my time, however, I have never seen so many parent/carer helpers on deck supporting the carnival. Thank you! It was equally as amazing to see the students from Year 3-6 getting involved in the swimming program and supporting their peers. It was another example of the special connection we have as a community. Congratulations to all students for your participation and those students who made it to the District program last week. We are incredibly proud of your achievements. Can I please thank Chris for all his hard work in organising the carnivals. CNPS is lucky to have you. 



As we enter Autumn and the sun continues to shine, it is important that students have a hat to wear during recess and lunch. If you would like to purchase a hat, please contact the office. We also ask that families ensure students apply sunscreen at home before attending school. We do have some sunscreen supplies at school should students need to reapply during the day. 


School – Home Partnership 

The hallmark of a strong school-home partnership is open and respectful dialogue, that embodies the school values.  Please feel free to reach out to Jane, Erin, Trish or I should you have any questions or queries as the term progresses. 


Warm Regards,

Matthew Ferguson
