Prayer energises the heart of a believer through the power of the Spirit
Prayer energises the heart of a believer through the power of the Spirit
The Lenten experience for Christians is an invitation to deepen their awareness of God through the experience of prayer. A God that is not found “out there” but deep within their own being, and through the richness of their lives - both the joys and challenges. Prayer is an opportunity to become deeply aware of this Presence. To recognise it, and relish the Presence in the many ways God is revealed.
Heavenly Father,
I offer you the day ahead of me: all of my hopes, fears, conversations, struggles, and blessings.
Help me to make myself 100% available to you. Give me the grace to say yes to you in the big things and in the small things of the day. Open my eyes to see the needs of the people around me, the people I will come across in my family, in my work, and in every small interaction. And give me the wisdom to seek you and your dream for my life in every small moment of this day.