General Background
I am a lifelong Melbournite, born at the Jessie McPherson hospital on Lonsdale Street in the CBD. Growing up, we lived in a few different places including Wonthaggi and a year in Denver, Colorado, before ending up in the Dandenong Ranges. My older sister and I loved adventuring through the forest, sliding down the Puffing Billy coal chute and creating stories of adventure and intrigue in our own backyard (it had a very Famous Five vibe). I have been married to Rowan for 28 years - he loves apples (that's his job!), the Richmond Tigers (how good was that recent win?), and even the dog he didn't want - our spoodle Obie. We have three children: Zoe, Vivi and Ryan who, between intense card games, hiking and attempts to educate their parents on all things young people, keep us well entertained.
When you were younger what did you want to be?
When I was in Primary School I wanted to be a photographer or an architect. Back when we had to wait a week to see how our pictures turned out, I filled whole albums full of "creative" photos and even mastered the art of the selfie with a film camera, no screen! Funnily enough, like Ruth Brennan, this developed into a desire to be a documentary filmmaker.
What was your first job or your most unusual job?
My first job was at the SSW supermarket as a cashier and stacking shelves. The cash register was basically a big calculator and while I was working there they introduced scanning technology.
What is your role and when did you commence at BHCS?
I started work in the Discovery Centre in July 2021. I can't believe it has almost been 4 years!
Best part about your job?
The people, the creativity, curiosity, collaboration and the books! I am lucky enough to be in a job where people often say: "Did you know..." or "I have a weird question for you..." so I learn and think all the time. Some recent questions include:
* Did you know sloths swim faster than they walk?
* Why is a cat's tongue rough?
* Would you rather be poor in a democratic society or rich in an autocratic society?
I am currently training for a 100km walk in May, so I quite like hiking especially with company. Good food and coffee are a quick way to my heart, I dabble with growing veggies and, fairly predictably, I frequently get absorbed by a good story - books, movies, podcasts (shout out to Ann Jones and John Dickson), or even what happened in the day.
When you think about Jesus, what comes to mind?
When I think about Jesus, I think of a radical, people-loving, wine-making, table-turning, reconciling, healing, paradigm-flipping, dangerously graceful person who looks at us and goes "I just love that ________ (insert your name here)".
What is your favourite Movie?
I love all sorts of movies, so picking one is hard. I have a vivid memory of sitting in the Tidal River Cinema deck chairs watching the scene with the bioluminescent algae and the whale from The Life of Pi. It has since become a life goal to seek out bioluminescence in the wild.
Favourite Meal?
Eating with family and friends is always a delight. I love variety, so pretty much any food, especially when it is made with love and comes with a story or from a cultural heritage.
Favourite holiday destination or place to visit?
I love heading down to Venus Bay with the waves and the wildness. It's a great place to reset and reconnect.
What are you passionate about?
I am fascinated by all the weird and wacky things in this world, like sea slugs and slime mould (look them up, they are sooooo cool).
I LOVE that we run The Ping-Pong-A-Thon at BHCS because I am pretty concerned about how our everyday lifestyles impact people around the world on a human and environmental level.
Life verse or motto:
Love God, love people. Life is as complex and simple as this.
General background
I was born in Northern Ireland and have lived between NI, England and Australia. I'm married to Harry who works in sport and we have a son, Luke, who is a software engineer. Charlie, our cheeky 10yo cavoodle keeps us on our toes! I was one of those children who would read under the covers late into the night, and my love of children's books has never waned. I completed an arts degree majoring in history and literature, with a focus on children's literature. I worked in recruitment for many years before qualifying in nutritional therapy and personal training and working in the field of disability and aged care health and fitness.
When you were younger what did you want to be?
In my later teens I wanted to be a documentary film-maker. During university I did a one year film-making course and created a documentary following the life of an exchange student from France.
What was your first job or your most unusual job?
During university I worked as a camera runner for Channel 9 (WIN) sports news in Ballarat.
What is your role and when did you commence at BHCS?
I am Assistant Manager in the DC and began here in September 2018.
Best part about your job?
Seeing students develop a true love of reading; I also love that every day is different and that we get to know people across the whole school community.
Unsurprisingly, reading! I read most things, but my very favourite books are those published by women in the early-mid 20th century - very niche! I enjoy long-distance walking and have completed a few pilgrim walks in the UK. I've recently taken up painting, inspired by the landscapes seen through the car window on our frequent drives to Bright.
When you think about Jesus, what comes to mind?
His grace. He has given me more than my fair share over the years!
What is your favourite Movie?
Depending on my mood, either Broadcast News or A Man for All Seasons (the 1966 version). I also love Cartoon Saloon movies.
Favourite meal?
Anything as long as it's followed by baked cheesecake!
Favourite holiday destination or place to visit?
In Australia, Bright; overseas, England's Peak District.
What are you passionate about?
Always learning.
Life verse or motto?
Romans 8:38-39 are my favourite bible verses, There is a well-known motto I try to remember - don't sweat the small stuff - which I've learnt from the most chilled person I know, my Dad.
General Background?
My name is Sarah, I attended BHCS in High School and have since graduated, currently studying Arts at Monash University. I love reading, I always have and I am very passionate about sharing that love of reading. In my spare time I am probably playing hockey, hiking with friends, reading books, or playing bananagrams, not usually all at once. I have a cat named Sheba who is very old and very grumpy.
When you were younger what did you want to be?
When I was younger I really wanted to be either a famous author or a teacher.
What was your first job or your most unusual job?
My first job was netball umpiring when I was 12. It was $10 a game umpiring anything from the U14s to the U9s and I much prefer working in the DC.
What is your role and when did you commence at BHCS?
I am an intern in the Discovery Centre, which means I help the librarians and the registrar manage their busy workloads, my day always looks very different.
Best part about your job?
The people I work with :)
I have a real variety of hobbies that range from very grandma-esque: like reading; baking; bananagrams; and going to museums, but also to the great outdoors: hiking; and camping; playing hockey; swimming; and surfing with my friends.
When you think about Jesus, what comes to mind?
I think of the word gentle. Jesus was gentle and loving with a heart to serve not to be served.
What is your favourite Movie?
My favourite movie is either Hunt for Red October or Little Women (2019)
Favourite Meal?
I love sushi and anything my Dad makes.
Favourite holiday destination or place to visit?
My favourite place that I've been to is either the Loire Valley in France or the Lake District in England.
What are you passionate about?
Getting kids reading books!
Life verse or motto:
"Forget the former things, do not dwell on the things of the past. See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:18-19