The Production Team at BHCS are very excited to be working on the musical Mary Poppins to show in August 2025. We are so grateful to be working with an incredible bunch of students who have been putting in the hard work to, firstly audition, then to show up multiple times a week to rehearsals, learn lines, rehearse songs, and practice choreography. It is no small feat what they have already achieved. We thank our Production parents for encouraging their students in this creative area of our school.
The team often make eyes at each other during rehearsals, conveying the same, "I just got goosebumps!" feeling when they hear the ensemble sing together, or the leads step up and show you a ripper scene, or the dancers pick up the chorey with a snap of their fingers. I believe this is down to 3 reasons: We are united, the Body of Christ style, students feel like they belong, and we commit our effort to the creative Creator. Seeing our students "find their people" is such a wonderful experience; we are a community who support each other and push each other to perform with excellence, and by excellence I mean that they give it all that they've got week-in, week-out no matter the individual proficiency level.
We can't wait to show you all that this musical and all that our students have to offer. For those of you who can remember sitting down, as little children, watching the Mary Poppins magic of Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke, our musical will give you a beautiful sense of nostalgia and wonder.
Before we go on to some of the details pertaining to our performances, I wanted to take this moment to thank the Production Team. They are constantly putting in their time and effort, both inside and outside of school hours, to see this production come to fruition. They go over and above on countless occasions and are fabulous to work with.
Finally, many people have asked how they can get involved or support our students and this year's production. There are a few ways that our community can do this:
Donating props, costumes and/or materials - watch the upcoming Newsletter editions for the request list
Buying tickets to our show/s when they become available later this year
Business sponsorship program - community businesses may like to purchase a promotional package in our show programme. (More info to come)