Student Celebrations

Student Learning Achievement Awards 

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.


Week 4: 

PAMazie CFor showing our school value of Inclusion. You always go out of your way to make sure everybody has someone to play with. You are a star! Well done Mazie!
PBConnor FFor consistently demonstrating whole body listening when engaging with mini-lessons on the floor. Connor, you set a wonderful example to your classmates of showing respect to the speaker. Keep it up superstar!
PCLincoln DFor your incredible determination when writing your name! Lincoln, you are doing such a wonderful job with forming your letters and I am so proud of you! 
PDFelix LFor your amazing effort and bravery at school this week. I’m so proud of how you had a go with all of your learning with a big smile on your face. Thanks for trying your best and being such a brave superstar. Congratulations, Felix!
PEMaddison BFor the incredible way you have settled into our classroom in such a short time. Maddison, you are so helpful to your classmates, showing them the expected routines in Prep E. You are a Prep E superstar!
1AAmelia HFor their wonderful efforts in writing, when borrowing ideas from our mentor text, ‘Polar Bear, Polar Bear what do you hear?’ You did a wonderful job in using the repetition in the text in your writing. Keep up the wonderful work, Amelia.
1BArcher TFor working really hard on raising his hand and listening during class. Archer was incredibly kind to another student by helping that student pick up their belongings when they dropped them. Well done Arch! 
1CMishka GFor being an amazing member of 1C. Mishka, you are always showing the Wembley Values, participating beautifully in all class activities and you are a wonderful role model.  Keep up your fantastic work! Well done!
1DGeorgie M For her wonderful effort and enthusiasm when working with materials to make numbers in our Place Value lessons. Georgie you were an expert at making numbers using tens and ones! Well done! 
2AAmron DFor being a considerate friend and helping others in the classroom.  Well done Amron, you support your classmates with kindness. Keep up the great work! 
2BWinnie HFor your calm, thoughtful and confident approach to reading and writing this week. Winnie, it was wonderful to see you put so much effort into your work and share it with your classmates. Well done superstar, keep up the great work! 
2CAva BFor your amazing effort in class this week! Well done for asking for help when needed and always doing your best. Congratulations Ava!
2DLara BFor making fantastic choices. The active effort you have put into your learning this week has been incredible! Well done, Lara. You are a superstar!
3APaige NFor the effort and care she puts into her learning. Paige invests time in completing her activities to a high standard and always presents her work in a neat, organised, and clear manner. Well done Paige, keep up the amazing effort!
3BAsha IFor a terrific start to Year 3! Asha, you display excellent listening and concentration during lessons, and then apply great effort into your school work. Well done superstar, keep it up!
3CAddison SFor her amazing efforts and incredible growth mindset in Place Value, taking the time to model numbers using MAB and seeking help when needed. Addison, I’m so proud of you—you should be too! Well done, superstar
3/4ARuby DFor approaching all learning so far this year with a Growth Mindset and a willingness to be challenged. Ruby, we have been looking at a heap of different skills, and you’ve had a go at every single one. Awesome work, awesome start to the year!
4ARonan KFor showing incredible listening skills, respecting your peers and attempting all tasks with your best efforts. Well done on such an amazing start to Year Four. Keep up the FANTASTIC work!!
4BYuki SFor challenging himself in his learning on a regular basis. As well as working with other students to assist them in their learning. Keep up the AMAZING work!!
4CLilia KFor challenging herself throughout all of our maths lessons, demonstrating the school value of resilience . Keep up the amazing work! 
5AChloe VFor an incredible start to the year!  Congratulations Chloe, you are an absolute superstar!  You are consistently demonstrating the Wembley values and it is a pleasure to have you as part of our 5A community.  Keep up the awesome work!
5BHarper HFor being a wonderful collaborative learner who works well with others to achieve her learning goals. You respectfully and considerately, listen to and communicate with your peers. Keep up the fantastic work!
5CJamie LFor his positive attitude and resilience towards his learning, he is often first to the carpet or to get started on independent work and encourages those around him to do the same. Keep up the amazing work Jamie, you are such a great role model.
5/6ARory G For being an outstanding role model for behaviour and work ethic in 5/6A. Rory, you always make the best decisions to benefit your learning. We are so lucky to have you in our class!
6ASofija SFor your excellent character profile in reading. You used so many details in her backstory and you had an incredible description of her physical appearance. Keep up the great work, Sofija!
6BAdeline GFor an amazingly positive start to the year. You have shown a positive mindset when completing any task and have always put your best foot forward. Well done Adeline!
6CJack NFor showing a growth mindset and amazing stamina during our marathon spelling assessment. Thanks for your brilliant efforts to start the year on a positive note in 6C, Jack!


Week 5: 

PAJoey DFor demonstrating our Wembley value of Resilience when transitioning into school in the morning. Joey, I am so proud of the way you are starting off your days. Keep up the awesome work! 
PBMia SFor continuously modelling our Wembley values to her peers. Mia, it is wonderful watching the way you continuously help others to meet the expectations of the classroom. Keep it up superstar!
PCMeira BFor consistently producing work to a high standard! Meira, you always take your time, show care and effort in your work and it sets an amazing example to your classmates! Well done!
PDFlorence DFor always showing your Wembley Values in the classroom and the yard. Your 5L’s are always on display and you are setting such a great example for others. Thank you for being respectful, kind and trying your best with all of your work. Congratulations, Flo. You are a Prep D legend!
PEFlora MFor the amazing effort that you put into everything that you do. I love the way that you take time to create work that you are proud of. Flora, you are a Prep E super star!
1AEve AFor her fantastic efforts in modelling numbers using unifix. You have shown fantastic resilience in working through this goal of yours. Keep up the great effort, Evie!
1BLucy SFor her fantastic work ethic in class, Lucy sets the standard in 1B in many areas and gives great effort every session. Lucy is also a kind and wonderful friend to her peers and we are lucky to have her. Go Lucy!
1CStefan KFor his amazing efforts in writing. Stefan, you are such an enthusiastic writer and it is such a joy to read all the details in your ideas! Keep up the fantastic work! 
1DZoe HFor your fantastic effort in all of your learning. Zoe you are such a superstar and we just love having you in our class! Keep up the wonderful work. We are so proud of you!
2AAnaya NFor having a positive attitude towards her learning and approaching all tasks with a smile. Well done Anaya, you have made a wonderful start to Year Two! 
2BMichael PFor your drive and passion for learning! Michael you have been working so hard in Writing to develop your ideas and have displayed fantastic effort and care in Maths when learning new skills. Well done on a great start to Grade Two, keep it up superstar! 
2CWilliam DFor consistently trying hard in all areas of learning, demonstrating great effort and perseverance. You have shown excellent self-regulation and have been able to express how you are feeling. Keep up the great work!
2DRoslyn JFor putting an outstanding effort into all of your work and supporting your peers to do the same. Roslyn, you are amazing!
3AHarley PFor the concentration and effort he puts into his learning. Harley is one of the best listeners in 3A and always applies effort to his tasks. He works away independently on his activities and asks clarifying questions when he needs help. Keep up the amazing work Harley!
3BBen OFor consistently demonstrating excellent effort. Ben, you work very hard in all you do, and always demonstrate the Wembley Values. Keep up the great work superstar!
3/4AHannah PFor being a consistently kind, respectful and inclusive member of our class. Hannah, the way that you work, communicate with and include all of your peers is awesome to see, and is helping us to build a more positive class culture. You’re a legend!
4AKarim EFor showing great Resilience by giving all tasks your best efforts. Well done on displaying whole body listening and applying yourself wonderfully to independent work. Keep up the great work, Karim!!
4BAlannah MFor showing great Resilience when faced with difficult learning tasks. Excellent job on giving your best effort and always giving it a go. Amazing work, Alannah!
4CBonnie NFor demonstrating the value of Empathy when helping her classmates navigate a math concept which she had an understanding of. Keep up the awesome work and continue to help your classmates!
5AAsher S For his gentleness and kindness towards his buddy!  Congratulations Asher, you have created a beautiful bond between your buddy and yourself, it is wonderful to see.  Keep up the amazing work! 
5BJordan PFor demonstrating fantastic problem solving skills. Your ability to use multiple strategies to reason through mental challenges is a real benefit to your learning! Keep up the fantastic work!
5CFilip FFor showing responsibility, leadership and empathy during our buddy sessions with Prep C. You constantly act as a role model and look after your buddy inside and outside of class time. They are very lucky to have someone like you looking out for them on the playground. Well done, Filip!
5/6ALuka CFor always putting in his personal best in all that he does. From participating in the beach program, to listening on the floor or to completing a maths assessment, he’s a role model for effort and his results are proof of this. Congratulations, Luka and keep up the amazing work!
6ALuella JFor your excellent efforts in your altitude number line in Maths this week! Your numberline is well-presented and shows an understanding of our integers learning. Keep up the great work Lulu!
6BVictoria CFor consistently being including and supportive of her peers and demonstrating a high standard of effort in all of her learning. Keep up the amazing work Victoria!
6CCarter TFor being organised, focused and demonstrating excellent work ethic during independent learning activities. Keep up the great effort, Carter! A great start to a successful year ahead!



Values Awards 

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated by their peers and selected for a Values Award


Week 3: Being Considerate

Prep Jasper DFor showing our value of Empathy by being considerate when you always go above and beyond to help your classmates and teacher during classroom routines.
Year 1Ruby DFor showing our value of Empathy by being considerate when you were reminding people to be quiet when someone else was talking.
Year 2Anaya NFor showing our value of empathy by being considerate when you saw a Year 5 student had dropped something and you offered to pick it up for them.
Year 3Sophie P

For showing our value of Empathy by being considerate by asking another student if they wanted to join your group so they could feel included.


Year 4Hannah PFor showing our value of Empathy by being considerate when you checked in on your classmate when they weren't feeling well and also for inviting others to join your group.
Year 5Jack DFor showing our value of Empathy by being considerate when you reminded other students on the soccer pitch to be careful when they kick the ball that it doesn't knock into preps lining up with their families.
Year 6Arjun SFor showing our value of Empathy by being considerate when you invited other students to have a turn at being in photographs when a photographer was taking photos around the school. 

Week 5: Helping

Prep Isla T & Mazie C For showing our value of Empathy by helping a friend when they spilt their lunchbox on the floor. You showed beautiful empathy, without thinking, just immediately going to help their friend repack her things.
Year 1Suri KFor showing our value of Empathy towards a friend who was crying. You noticed your friend was upset, and came running up and asked if your friend was okay and if they’d like a hug. Your friend said yes, and you gave her a big, comforting hug that made her friend feel better. 
Year 2Jude WFor showing our value of Empathy by helping others by pushing in a classmate's chair, helping to put their things away in their tub and including others.
Year 3Frankie PanettaFor showing our value of Empathy by sharing your beyblade stadium with a number of people.
Year 4Hudson KFor showing our value of Empathy by helping a classmate to set up their laptop when they were unsure. 
Ted FFor showing our value of Empathy by helping Señor Max to look for his keys during playtime.
Year 5Kareem FFor showing our value of Empathy when there was a disagreement at playtime. Instead of getting into an argument you took a deep breath and chose to walk away.  You showed our value of empathy by understanding the other group were feeling frustrated and not arguing with them. You helped yourself and the group by choosing to walk away instead of arguing.  
Year 6Violet F & Josie FFor showing our value of Empathy by supporting your friend when she was upset. You showed empathy and care for your friend and went out of your way to make her feel better.


Congratulations to Milana Fargfalia of 6C, who competed in the Victorian Athletic Championships over the weekend. She did incredibly well, placing 2nd in the U13 800m and 3rd in the U13 1500m. She also got the National qualifier for both event's and will be heading off to Perth in April to represent Victoria at the National Championships! An incredible achievement - well done Milana! 



GRIP Conference 

On Tuesday the 4th of March, the Year 6 Captaincy Team was lucky enough to attend the GRIP Leadership conference. 


G - Generosity 

R - Responsibility

I - Integrity 

P - People


When we got there, we were seated in the massive conference room, ready for the introduction. There were three sessions in the day, with breaks separating them. The first session was mainly an introduction section where they just told us about the day. We also learnt about the responsibilities of being a student leader. In the second session, we focused more on leadership through friendship and friendship tools. We also talked about generating ideas to make Wembley a better place. In the third session we discussed  how we could put our ideas into action, and make them happen by the end of the year. In between the sessions, there were a lot of fun activities and breaks.



All the students really enjoyed the experience and are all extremely thankful for being given the opportunity. The activities that we participated in were engaging, interesting and enjoyable for all. It was really educational and it is safe to say that all of the 2025 leaders at this school learnt an enormous amount of leadership skills at the event. All the students were given the opportunity to meet new friends from other schools, there were over 100 schools attending the conference. There were some local schools there too, like Kingsville and Yarraville West. We would like to say a big thank you to Sofia Courtney and Adriana Jankulovski for coming along with us. 


Written by the school captains, Harry and Jade


Spanish Student Work

Spanish Classroom Showcase: Exploring Vocabulary & Creativity

¡Hola familias!

Our Spanish classroom is bursting with creativity and learning! This term, students have been diving into vocabulary through hands-on projects that bring Spanish to life. Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve been working on:

Objetos de la Clase – Our younger learners have been identifying and labeling everyday classroom objects in Spanish. From el lápiz (pencil) and la pizarra (whiteboard) to la mochila (backpack), students have been practicing their vocabulary in fun and interactive ways.

Un Gorila – Our youngest Spanish learners read the story Un Gorila (One Gorilla) and explored numbers while learning the names of animals in Spanish. They counted how many animals appeared in the story and then created their own charts, using words like dos mariposas (two butterflies), cinco pandas (five pandas), and seis conejos (six rabbits). Their fantastic work is now on display!

Las Islas de Wembley – Our older students took their Spanish skills to the next level by designing their own islands. Each student created a unique island (una isla), labeling key locations in Spanish. Some featured la ciudad (the city), el banco (the bank), el aeropuerto (the airport). These creative maps showcase not only their artistic skills but also their growing Spanish vocabulary.

Ask your child about their projects and the new Spanish words they've learned - there’s so much to celebrate in their language journey.

¡Hasta pronto!

Señor Maz

Year 6: One Word

Our Year 6 cohort read the mentor text, One Word for Kids, and used this as inspiration to select their own for the year. 


Here's a snapshot of some of our students' work: 

School Captains: 

2025 Captains
2025 Captains


LilianBOULISDiversity and Inclusion
MillaDOWNEYDiversity and Inclusion
InesTAYLORDiversity and Inclusion
WillaMUNROHouse Captain Cruickshank
NeoZIOGLISHouse Captain Cruickshank
VictoriaCAMILLERIHouse Captain Kulin
TySCHOFIELDHouse Captain Kulin
GeorgeTSOMBANOPOULOSHouse Captain McIvor
IsabellaALPHINHouse Captain McIvor
CharlotteBURROWSHouse Captain Westgate
HugoCRAIGHouse Captain Westgate
DylanO'RIORDANPeer Mediator
MusaYOUSSEFPeer Mediator
AlanaEDWARDPeer Mediator
AnnabelleDWYERSchool Captain
HarrisonMEISSNERSchool Captain
JadeFEELYSchool Captain
FlorinUSSHERSchool Vice Captain
TheoLUTTRELLSchool Vice Captain
MiaHARRISSchool Vice Captain
Reva NEEDHAMWellbeing