Cheltenham East News

Interschool Sport Results
Rd 3 - Friday 21st February Vs Kingston Heath PS | Tee ball | Cricket | Hot Shots | Volleyball |
| No team | No game | Won 7 - 5 | lost 0 - 2 |
| No team | Lost 159 - 178 | Won 9 - 3
| Lost 0 - 2 |
Rd 4 - Friday 28th February vs Cheltenham PS | Tee ball | Cricket | Hot Shots | Volleyball |
| No team | Lost 39 - 205 | lost 5 - 7 | Lost 1 - 2 |
| No team | Lost 37 - 138 | Lost 2 - 10
| Won 2 -1 |
Helpers Required
CEPS Community Picnic – 7th March
The Parents Committee would like some extra volunteers to cook and serve sausages at the Community BBQ next week. If you can help it would be greatly appreciated. Please approach those working on the BBQ and let them know you'd like to help.