Learning News

Secondary Middle Leadership Workshop
Professional Development Day is for secondary middle leadership only. You are invited to attend either day. (Christine Edwards-Groves will deliver the same information on both days but at different venues.)
Date: Tuesday 18th March
Time: 8.45 am - 4.00 pm
Venue: Armidale Catholic Schools, Angela Merici Room
Date: Wednesday 19th March
Time: 8.45 am - 4.00 pm
Venue: ACS Tamworth Hub, Downstairs, 87 Bridge Street Tamworth. Register here.
Cold Write & Warm Write Term 1, 2025 - Case Managed Samples
As per the Armidale Catholic Schools Data Collection Schedule the Cold Write and Warm Write for Term 1 is to be completed between Weeks 4-6. The stimulus has been sent to all Leaders of Pedagogy for distribution.
In 2025, we will continue implementing Parameter 6 – A Case Management Approach for Cold Writes. Collecting these writing samples will further support our system wide efforts to strengthen Writing Assessment processes.
We ask Leaders of Pedagogy to select three to five students whose writing progress we will collaboratively track throughout the year using Cold Writes. Ideally, please select the same students from 2024 who are now in Year 3 and Year 5 to maintain continuity in moderation. If this is not possible, choose three to five students from the top, middle, or bottom of Year 3 and Year 5. As these moderation samples will inform our next steps in writing, we ask all schools to upload them to the shared drive each term. Upload case-managed sample script along with the marking sheets to the ‘CSO MALT Big Write Resources’ shared drive.
MultiLit Training
Any paraprofessionals, classroom teachers or leadership members needing MultiLit training in 2025 are asked to please complete the following form - MultiLit Training 2025. As a reminder, the CSO will cover the cost of MiniLit paraprofessional training, however all other MultiLit training programs are at the expense of the school.
Work Window VR Roadshow 2025
Thanks to the Australian Government, you can inspire your students to consider careers in STEM and host the Work Window Virtual Reality Career Exploration Roadshow for a week at no cost to your school.
This unique program is designed to inspire students with immersive VR experiences, showcasing a variety of STEM-related careers. The Roadshow provides cutting-edge technology and resources to engage students in a hands-on, exciting way, helping them explore potential career paths while highlighting the importance of STEM skills for their future.
The program is most suitable for secondary students. The roadshow starts in Term 2 2025. Register your interest here
Sleek Geek Science Eureka Prize
Sponsored by the University of Sydney, the Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize encourages students to communicate a scientific concept in a way that is accessible and entertaining to the public while painlessly increasing their science knowledge or, as prize patrons Dr Karl and Adam Spencer like to say, "Learn something without even noticing". It is intended to support budding young scientists across the nation, who will be our future leaders in research, discovery and communication
What Matters - Writing Competition
Inspired by Gough Whitlam's commitment to involving young people in shaping Australia's future, the What Matters? writing competition is currently open to school students in years 5 to 12 from Australia. Responding to the simple question 'what matters?', entrants are free to express their views on any matter they care about.
Australian Mathematics Competition
First run in 1978, the Australian Mathematics Competition is Australia’s longest running, largest and most well-known maths competition for school students.
Like all our competitions, the AMC contains unique problems designed each year by leading educators and academics to challenge and extend your students’ problem-solving skills.
Sign up to NetID to access Scholaris on the new CSNSW website
In order to access Scholaris on the new CSNSW website, please create an account with NetID. NetID is an online resource portal that provides access to Catholic Schools NSW's resources. You can find instructionshere to sign up.
CASPA - Catholic Secondary Principals Australia
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