Message from the Director

Regina Menz, Director Of Schools

Dear Colleagues,

Last week we held our first Principals Meeting for the year which were two wonderful days of learning and collaboration with Armidale Catholic Schools Principals and Leadership Team. Our focus was on Leading Well in Armidale Catholic Schools to improve the faith, learning and wellbeing outcomes for our students, staff and families. 


The meeting started with students from St Mary’s Armidale leading us in prayer followed by sessions on Mission & Vision, Effective Leading Practices, Leading Well in Armidale Catholic Schools Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Plan and Instructional Leadership Teams.


Monsignor Ted Wilkes celebrated Mass with principals and ACS staff in Our Lady of the Angels Chapel. Our new principals; Michelle O’Connor (Principal at St Francis Xavier’s Narrabri), Peter Flynn (Principal of St Nicholas’ Primary School Tamworth), Casey Chard (Principal of St Joseph’s Glen Innes), Eli Simpson (Principal of St Joseph’s Wee Waa) and John Clery (School Performance Leader ACS) were officially commissioned.


The second day started Catherine Jackson and me working with us on strategy and growth. It also included a Marketing and Promotions presentation by Tahnee Denton, Finance and ICT updates and a ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ presentation by Damian Roff and Fr Damien Locke. 

We are getting excited about our Pilgrimage of the Mini Cathedral and Cathedra that will travel across the Diocese. A big thank you to Kate Frazier and Jon Hawthorne for their work in getting the model Cathedra ready for the pilgrimage. What is a Cathedra you ask? Cathedra comes from the Latin word meaning “seat.” In our context, the Cathedra refers to the Bishop's chair or throne located in the Cathedral. The chair represents the Bishop's teaching authority and his position as a shepherd of the faithful. 


Thanks to everyone for contributing to these days together. We really are building a hope-filled future for our students! 




Congratulations to one of our amazing elders from Walgett, Aunty Fay who is a finalist in the NSW Women of the Year Awards 2025. A very well deserved accolade for an amazing person who always supports our young people to realise a hope-filled future.