Principal's News

We are delighted to congratulate and celebrate Rika on the awarding of her Australian citizenship. Citizenship is an important step in Rika’s life story where she has formally committed to Australia and our shared values. We value a rich and diverse Australia and we thank Rika, and her family for the ways they have shared their Indonesian culture with those of us at HR school, our Kensington community and our country. We look forward to seeing Rika continue to thrive and enjoy a bright future ahead!
Prayers for Carbonari Family
Please keep Candy, Grace and Stephanie in your thoughts and prayers, asking for their comfort, strength, and peace as they prepare and celebrate Mark’s funeral.
May God surround them with His love and provide them with the support they need as they honour Mark’s memory.
Optimising Learning for All Update
Last Tuesday, staff had a most productive day led by Maria, Sarah and Ant in the further development of our ‘Optimising Learning for All’ project. As part of this, staff are working collaboratively to develop and refine strategies to enhance our understanding of children’s qualities as learners and how we might further enhance these.
Book Amnesty
We are in the process of ordering new reading materials for home and classroom but in doing a stocktake we realise that many books from our home reading collection have gone missing. We understand that it’s very easy for books to go missing and become mixed up at home. I ask you to please check cupboards, cars and bags thoroughly for missing books. We will be delighted to have these returned as they are very costly to replace.
Term Overviews
The School Advisory Council provides feedback to me on a variety of topics. Recently, they shared that families would like more specific information about their child’s learning in advance. Based on this feedback, teachers from all year levels will issue subject overviews each term, kicking off in Term 2.
Labour Day
Labour Day, Monday 10 March is a Public Holiday, and therefore both school and TeamKids will be closed.
Playground Update
Exciting news…our playground update begins today. They will begin with the retaining wall and the new sandpit. There will only be a very small area sectioned off as the update will be completed in stages. Don’t forget you can view the plans outside the office.
TK Canteen Begins Tuesday
Don’t forget to download the Spriggy app to order. The QR code is on the flyer in this bulletin.
Enjoy the first week of autumn