Classroom News

What is Harmony Week?
Harmony Week is from the 17th of March to the 23rd of March. This is where we all celebrate our diversity and bring together Australians from all different backgrounds. It is mostly about showing and using inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.
Learn More by tapping on this link: (Click Here)
How are we celebrating it across the school
At APS all classes will be participating in activities during the week, including Specialist classes. For example, in Mandarin, students will learn to sing the ‘Happy Birthday,’ song and make birthday cards in different languages. In Performing Arts, students have been learning the indigenous song, ‘Inanay Capuana’, which they will sing at assembly on Friday 21st March. Parents are welcome to come along and watch us sing!
Friday, 21st March - wear orange!
We are hoping most students will wear orange on the day, as it signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. Remember it is okay if you don’t have an orange top on but we are encouraging everyone to wear something orange.
The Multicultural Leaders,
Jeremy and Olivia 6A
Ride 2 School Day
On Friday the 21st of March the National Ride To School Day will be held. It would be a pleasure if you could refrain from driving your children if you live close enough to walk, scoot or ride.
What is the National Ride To School Day?
National Ride to School Day is a day where many people in a school ride, scoot, skate and walk to school. This improves their physical health and mental health. They will also have more fun riding to school than driving.
On the day we will be going around to classes and record who skated, scooted, walked and rode to school. The top three classes were most students who have skated, scooted, rode and walked will be rewarded with a certificate created by us! Even though we have an amazing number of people who ride scoot, skate and walk, we want to increase that number to almost every single person.
From the School events action team (Augie 6M, Mark 6M & Cassius 6A)